EU Statement – UN General Assembly 3rd Committee: Interactive dialogue on Human Rights in Eritrea

25 October 2023, New York - Statement by the European Union at the 78th Session of the United Nations General Assembly Third Committee Interactive Dialogue on the situation of human rights in Eritrea



The EU thanks the Special Rapporteur for his oral update.

The EU welcomes progress made in the sphere of social rights, in particular the rights to education and health, as well as in women’s rights, and in advancing the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition, Eritrea’s engagement in the UPR process and the African Peer Review Mechanism allows discussion of human rights issues in a spirit of mutual trust and partnership.

The EU nevertheless remains highly concerned about the human rights situation in the country. As reported by the Special Rapporteur, large numbers of persons continue to be arbitrarily detained and many Eritreans remain disappeared. The EU calls on Eritrea to address those cases by revealing the whereabouts of those disappeared and by releasing those held arbitrarily. Arbitrary detention and enforced disappearances as well as severe limitations on the exercise of freedom of expression and opinion and freedom of peaceful assembly and association constitute violations of international human rights law. The fate of the 13 Djiboutian prisoners of war still unaccounted for also needs to be solved.

The practice of indefinite National Service, including the reported conscription of children, remains a source of great concern for the population at large and the youth in particular and the main source of migration. The EU encourages Eritrea to end the practice of indefinite National Service and of forced recruitment of children, and to create space to advance on the promotion and protection of all human rights.

The EU calls upon the Government of Eritrea to complete the withdrawal of any remaining troops from Ethiopian territory, as established by the Eritrea-Ethiopia Boundary Commission. The EU also takes this opportunity to recall that credible, independent investigations of alleged violations and abuses of human rights and international humanitarian law committed by armed forces against civilians are important for providing justice to victims of the conflict in Northern Ethiopia, inside and outside Tigray region.

The EU welcomes Eritrea’s engagement in the UPR process while calling on the authorities to consider the benefits of establishing contacts, including a visit, with the Special Rapporteur. The EU also encourages Eritrea to follow up on its dialogue with the OHCHR and supports the implementation of Eritrea’s partnership with the United Nations under the Strategic Partnership Cooperation Framework.

The EU stands ready to continue its engagement with Eritrea and its people on the basis of a comprehensive and long term approach.

Dr. Babiker, what new opportunities are there for progress in the enjoyment and protection of human rights in Eritrea?

Thank you.