EU Statement – Joint Executive Boards of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS: Dialogue with UNOPS Executive Director

6 June 2024, New York – Statement by H.E. Ms. Hedda Samson, Ambassador and Deputy Head of the EU Delegation to the UN, at the Joint Executive Board of the United Nations Development Programme, the United Nations Population Fund and the United Nations Office for Project Services: Annual Session 2024, UNOPS Segment - THEMATIC INTERACTIVE DIALOGUE WITH THE UNOPS EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR JORGE MOREIRA DA SILVA

Mr/s Chair, Mr Executive Director, Excellencies, dear Colleagues,


I will be delivering this statement on behalf of the European Union as a donor.

I would like to make three points.


First, on EU/UNOPS cooperation.


UNOPS and the EU have built a strong partnership over the last decade, with projects focused on peace, security and sustainable development. We value the fruitful and long-standing partnership with UNOPS in project implementation at the local level, in the common endeavor to support partner countries in achieving the SDGs. We commend our joint effort during the COVID-19 crisis in particular.


The EU currently has a portfolio of projects with UNOPS worth more than EUR 700 million, with a focus on fragile contexts. We recognize UNOPS’ experience as an important asset in supporting smart investments in complicated contexts particularly in climate and energy, transport, and health, while respecting the highest social and environmental standards.


Second, on Global Gateway.


To better connect the world and protect our planet, the EU, just like UNOPS, has stepped up its own offer to help our partners around the world meet their development infrastructure needs.


The Global Gateway Initiative aims at narrowing the global gap in infrastructure investment. It is mobilizing EUR 300 million and contributes to accelerating SDG implementation worldwide.


Working with UNOPS, in particular in difficult contexts, to roll out Global Gateway, is something we have been looking at with interest. It is essential to combine forces for the delivery and financing of quality infrastructure and ensure that both “quantity and quality” go together, in order to trigger transformative change. Change that works for all people and the planet, and helps us tackle the most pressing global challenges, from climate change and protecting the environment, to improving health security, and boosting competitiveness and global supply chains. 


This combination of forces requires a strong dialogue at country level, including with the Resident Coordinator and the EU Head of Delegation, in order to share analysis, information on investment opportunities, and solutions.


For example, we are pleased that the EU and UNOPS were able to work hand in hand and deliver tangible results to the people of Somalia last year, by completing 55 km of road that contribute to enhanced trade and investment.


Finally, on financial issues.


We recognize that UNOPS went through a difficult period with the financial issues that arose at the end of 2021. The confidence of partners has to be rebuilt, and we welcome the efforts made by your teams in that regard.


Mr/s Chair, Mr Executive Director,


We are thankful for the regular opportunities for strategic dialogue, such as today, which build on the regular exchanges we have with UNOPS as part of our ongoing cooperation.


Thank you.