EU Explanation of Vote: ECOSOC meeting on US draft proposal to remove Iran from the Commission on the Status of Women

14 December 2022, New York -- EU Explanation of Vote, ECOSOC meeting on US draft proposal to remove Iran from the Commission on the Status of Women, delivered by Permanent Representative of the Czech Republic to the United Nations, H.E. Jakub Kulhánek,

Madam Chair,

I have the honour to deliver this statement on behalf of the European Union and its Member States.

The European Union expresses its full and unwavering support for the aspirations of the women and girls of Iran for a future where their human rights are fully respected, protected and fulfilled, without discrimination of any kind.

The international community strengthened its commitment to gender equality in Beijing in 1995 and through the outcome documents of its review conferences as well as in the framework of Agenda 2030. This commitment entails dismantling regressive and discriminatory laws and eliminating all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls. Iran, as a member of the international community, must fulfill its responsibility.

Yet we are currently witnessing the opposite.

We are witnessing the widespread, brutal and disproportionate use of force by the Iranian authorities against peaceful protesters, including women and girls who are playing a leading role in this movement and are demanding full and equal respect for their human rights and an end to violence, oppression and discrimination. We strongly condemn the actions by the Iranian authorities and urge them to uphold their obligations and commitments under international law, including the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, to both of which Iran is a party. We also call for those responsible for the death of Mahsa Jina Amini to be held accountable.

The EU condemns in the strongest possible terms the recent executions of 23-year old Mohsen Shekari and Majidreza Rahnavard in connection with the ongoing protests. The European Union reiterates its firm opposition to the death penalty and we urge the Iranian authorities to immediately refrain from applying the death penalty and carrying out any future executions as well as to pursue a consistent policy towards the abolition of the death penalty altogether. Moreover, we call on the Iranian authorities to cease the use of arbitrary detentions as a means of silencing critical voices and to release all those unjustly detained, including recently arrested protesters as well as children, journalists and other media workers, and human rights defenders.

Madam Chair,

The exceptional decision today is justified by the seriousness of the human rights situation and does not change our stance on multilateralism. Global problems like discrimination and violence against women and girls require global solutions with the involvement and in dialogue with all stakeholders, including civil society. The EU stands ready to work with all UN Member States to promote, protect and fulfill the rights of women and girls and achieve our common goal of a world where everyone’s human rights and dignity are respected without discrimination of any kind.

In light of the above, the EU member States that are current members of ECOSOC voted in favour of the resolution presented today.

Thank you.