Urgent Debate on the human rights situation in Ukraine stemming from the Russian aggression


Today the Human Rights Council will hold an urgent debate on the human rights situation in Ukraine stemming from the Russian aggression. This was initiated upon request of Ukraine, fully supported by the European Union and other countries.


The European Union condemns in the strongest possible terms the unprovoked and unjustified invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. It is an attack not only on a free, democratic and peaceful country, but also on global peace and security, and a blatant violation of international law, the UN Charter, the Budapest Memorandum, the Helsinki Final Act, the Charter of Paris, and other OSCE key documents to which Russia has subscribed.

On behalf of the EU, Ambassador Lotte Knudsen, Head of the EU Delegation to the UN in Geneva states:

“The EU and its partners have been united in making tireless efforts to achieve a diplomatic solution. Russia has not reciprocated these efforts and instead opted unilaterally for a grave and premeditated escalation.

We have witnessed appalling scenes of indiscriminate attacks by the Russian military on civilian targets, including kindergartens, schools and residential areas. The number of refugees and internally displaced (IDPs) is increasing by the hour, and evidence of violations of human rights and international humanitarian law is piling up. We deplore the loss of life and humanitarian suffering, in particular within the territory under attack or siege by Russian troops and call on the international community to continue providing proper support and assistance.

The Council needs to take its responsibility in addressing the human rights implications of this aggression, in the footsteps of the General Assembly. The gravity of the situation fully justifies the establishment of a Commission of Inquiry. Russia will be held accountable for its actions.

Meanwhile, Russia cynically uses the notion of ‘genocide’ to justify its aggression. This is a dangerous abuse of a term that is clearly defined in the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. None of the many reports by the UN, the Council of Europe or the OSCE support these groundless claims.

We also strongly condemn the active involvement of Belarus in this aggression and call on it to abide by its international obligations.

We demand Russia to immediately cease hostilities, unconditionally withdraw from the entire territory of Ukraine, fully respect Ukraine’s territorial integrity, sovereignty and independence within its internationally recognised borders, as well as stop hostilities against all civilians and civilian objects, to allow safe and unhindered humanitarian access and protection of humanitarian personnel, and assistance to all people in need and stop Russia’s disinformation campaign and cyber-attacks.

We stand in full solidarity with Ukraine and Ukrainians. The EU supports the democratically elected government of Ukraine and its efforts to defend its territory and its people. All peoples are entitled to freely determine, without external interference, their political status and to pursue their economic, social and cultural development.”