Human Rights Council kicks off in Geneva, with Urgent Debate on the situation in Ukraine


Promoting a global system for human rights is at the heart of the EU’s commitment to strengthening multilateralism and EU’s leadership in supporting the rules-based international order. This is even more important in times when Russia’s President Putin and his government started a war against Ukraine, an independent, sovereign neighbouring country.


Following the Russian military aggression in Ukraine, the Human Rights Council decided today to hold an Urgent Debate on the human rights situation in Ukraine. This was requested by Ukraine, with full support of the EU and other countries.

The EU will continue to stand in full solidarity with Ukraine, at the Human Rights Council and elsewhere. Find all statements and action from the EU on this situation here:

At the 49th session of the HRC the EU will also present five resolutions, and be fully engaged in the negotiations of all other resolutions, as well as dialogues and debates.

  • The EU will present a resolution on the human rights situation in Belarus given the steep deterioration of the human rights situation in the country and the continuous impunity of perpetrators. The resolution will seek to extend the mandate of the High Commissioner for one year to monitor and report on the situation of human rights, with assistance from relevant experts and special procedure mandate holders.
  • The EU will present a resolution on the human rights situation in the North Korea (DPRK). The resolution will recall the dire human rights and humanitarian situation in the country as well as the absence of any tangible progress so far, and will ask for the extension of the mandate of the Special Rapporteur for a period of one year.
  • The EU will present a resolution on the human rights situation in Myanmar, aiming to renew the mandate of the Special Rapporteur, and condemning the military coup of 1 February 2021 and related human rights violations.
  • The EU will present its annual resolution on Freedom of Religion or Belief, condemning discrimination, intolerance, violence and persecution against or by any person based on grounds of religion or belief. As the on-going mandate of the UN Special Rapporteur finishes in 2022, the EU resolution will aim to renew the mandate for 2022-2025.
  • We will continue to promote and protect all rights of all children, particularly those in vulnerable situations. The EU together with GRULAC will therefore present a resolution on the Rights of the Child, focusing on the issue of reunification of families.