HRC57 - Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Russian Federation


57th session

Interactive Dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the Russian Federation

24 September 2024

EU Statement

Mr. President,

The European Union thanks the report of the Special Rapporteur.

We are deeply concerned about the unabated, systematic crackdown on civil society and the repressions of political opposition and critical voices throughout Russia, which has only intensified since Russia’s illegal, unprovoked and unjustified war of aggression against Ukraine.

The list of grave human rights violations committed by Russia against individuals within its own territory is deeply concerning. The reporting period was marked by the tragic death of the opposition politician Alexei Navalny at the hands of Russian authorities. We remain outraged by Mr. Navalny’s death and condemn the continued incarceration of at least 1,372 political prisoners. We continue to urge Russia to immediately and unconditionally release all prisoners detained on politically motivated charges. We also call for the immediate release of the over 2,000 Ukrainian civilian prisoners, many held incommunicado and subject to torture and ill-treatment, as well as on the immediate return of all deported or forcibly transferred Ukrainian children.

The report also documents an increased suppression of diversity in Russia. It documents the suppression of Indigenous Peoples, ethnic minorities and LGBTI persons and highlights the forced mobilization of Indigenous Peoples, minorities and migrants particularly from Central Asia.

The EU calls on Russia to end the climate of repression and uphold the human rights for all persons across its territory, including the civil society, the political opposition and critical voices in line with its domestic and international obligations and commitments.

Madam Special Rapporteur, could you elaborate on the link between Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine and the increased rates of violence against women in Russia that you describe in your report?