HRC57 - Interactive Dialogue with the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee


57th session

Interactive Dialogue with the Human Rights Council Advisory Committee

26 September 2024

EU statement

Thank you Mr. President,

Mr. Chair,

The European Union would like to thank the Advisory Committee for its work, as depicted in the report of its 31st session, and for submitting a report on the impact, opportunities and challenges of neurotechnology with regard to human rights to the Human Rights Council.

As the report shows, the proliferation and use of neurotechnologies raise important social, legal, ethical, security, health and human rights issues. On the one hand, neurotechnology holds immense promise for treating mental and neurological illnesses, to improve people’s autonomy and mobility, and to offer opportunities in education.

At the same time, we have to consider the possible impact of the neurotechnology – and the related use of new and emerging digital technologies, including AI – on human dignity, the respect for physical and mental integrity, the protection of personal data and privacy, as well as the replication of existing discriminations and biases. We must also be vigilant against its possible misuse for mass arbitrary surveillance, spreading disinformation, quashing dissenting voices, and restricting freedom of expression online and offline.

As expressed in the León declaration on European neurotechnology last year, the EU and its Member States promote a human rights-based approach, which seeks a trustworthy, transparent, and accountable ecosystem for the use of neurotechnology.

Mr. Chair, how can we better implement the principle of precaution, mentioned in the report, when addressing the issue of neurotechnology?

Thank you.