HRC56 - Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus - EU Statement

United Nations Human Rights Council

56th Session

Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in Belarus

3 July 2024

EU Statement


Mr President,

The EU welcomes the Special Rapporteur’s sobering report.

We are deeply troubled by the continued massive repression by Belarusian authorities of all segments of society. The persecution of individuals inside and outside the country for exercising their human rights is alarming. According to the High Commissioner for Human Rights, some of the violations may amount to crimes against humanity. We note with concern the increased violations of economic, social and cultural rights in the context of the political repression.

We reiterate our urgent call on Belarus to fully adhere to its international obligations and create a safe and free environment in which civil society and independent media can operate free from harassment and repression. All political prisoners must be immediately and unconditionally released and rehabilitated, among others Ihar Losik, Marfa Rabkova, and Anastasiya Lojka. We express our deep concern on the reported deaths and ill-treatment in places of detention. Since the death of political prisoner and activist Vitold Ashurak in prison in May 2021, at least five more political prisoners have died in regime’s places of captivity.

We also reiterate our call on Belarus to immediately cease its support to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and to ensure the safe return to Ukraine of all unlawfully deported Ukrainian children. Furthermore, we condemn the instrumentalization of migrants by the Belarusian authorities, in complicity with Russia, for political purposes. We also deplore the decision of the Belarusian authorities to stop issuing passports to Belarusians abroad. Belarusian authorities must be held accountable for the appalling human rights violations in Belarus, as well as for the complicity in Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine.

Mme Special Rapporteur,

in this deplorable situation of eradicated independent civic space in the country, how can the international community effectively support those who remain in the country and tirelessly stand for their an other’s human rights despite the severe repression they are facing?

On the occasion of the end of your term in office let us express our gratitude for the invaluable contribution of your work. Over the past 6 years you have provided recommendations to Belarus, whose implementation could have prevented the escalation of human rights violations. You have been a vital support to civil society representatives in Belarus helping their voice to be heard domestically and globally. Once again we call on Belarus to implement your recommendations.

Thank you.