HRC56 - Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers - EU Statement

United Nations Human Rights Council

56th session

Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers

24 June 2024

EU statement


Mr. President,

The European Union thanks the Special Rapporteur for the presentation of her report.

The EU emphasizes that an independent judiciary and legal profession is indispensable to the full and equal realization of human rights, and to functioning of democracy and the rule of law.

While there have been leaps forward, the pushback against the universality and indivisibility of human rights, the closing of civic space and the backsliding on democracy must be addressed. New opportunities and risks also arise, notably linked to technological developments and global environmental challenges.

Democracy, the respect for human rights and the rule of law are among the EU’s founding values. In this respect we stress the importance of transparent, accountable and democratic law-making processes; effective judicial protection, including access to justice by independent and impartial courts; and the separation of powers.

Strengthening and supporting the independence and integrity of the judicial system, including operation without undue influence or threats is critical in the face of democratic backsliding. Any act of violence or threats of violence, or any form of intimidation, coercion or inappropriate interference against judges, prosecutors or lawyers should be duly investigated.

Madam Special Rapporteur,

Have you identified common patterns in physical, legal and digital threats or harassment which are specifically targeting women serving as judges, and lawyers or which are aiming at preventing their full, equal and meaningful participation in these positions?  

Thank you.