HRC55 - Interactive Dialogue with Commission of inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic - EU Statement


55th session

Interactive Dialogue with Commission of inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic

18 March 2024

EU statement


Mr President,

The European Union thanks the Commission of Inquiry for its latest report, which covers the period from 1 July to 31 December 2023, and reiterates its strong support for the Commission and for the International, Impartial and Independent Mechanism (IIIM). We call to have the situation in Syria referred to the International Criminal Court.

The European Union calls for an end to violations of international humanitarian law and serious violations and abuses of human rights by all parties to the conflict in Syria, in particular by the regime and its allies. We reiterate that all parties responsible for violations of international humanitarian law and violations and abuses of human rights including sexual and gender-based violence, must be held accountable, and we note in this regard the provisional measures on Syria of the International Court of Justice.

Safe, full, unhindered and sustained access for humanitarian organisations is imperative, including to places of confinement or detention as well as cross border and cross-line support, in line with humanitarian principles. The EU remains determined to fight all forms of impunity.

The EU continues to voice strong concern about reports of social and demographic engineering in all areas throughout Syria.

We welcome the creation of the Independent Institution on Missing Persons in the Syrian Arab Republic (IIMP) and stand ready to support this new institution.

We note that the conditions for the voluntary, safe and dignified return of Syrian refugees, as defined by UNHCR, are currently not in place as confirmed most recently in relevant reporting by the Commission of Inquiry and OHCHR.

The only path to sustainable peace for Syria is a political solution in line with UNSCR 2254.


I thank you.