HRC 50 - EU Intervention: Interactive Dialogue on HC oral update on the situation of human rights in Myanmar

Mr President,

The EU thanks the High Commissioner for her oral update.

The situation in Myanmar remains deeply concerning. The February 1, 2021 military coup has exacerbated the plight, not just of the Rohingya and persons belonging to other minorities, but of all persons in Myanmar. The military has increased their repression and conducted brutal indiscriminate airstrikes and artillery shelling, leaving many citizens dead or wounded and displacing hundreds of thousands of people, with persons belonging to minorities often bearing the brunt. Human rights and fundamental freedoms are heavily curtailed, with special procedures mandate holders recently reporting on the imposition of a “digital dictatorship”. 

Mr President,

The EU strongly condemns the violence against civilians, including human rights defenders, arbitrary detentions, sexual and gender based violence and violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international law. The EU calls on Myanmar authorities to extend the de facto moratorium of the executions observed since 1988. In particular, we call on the Myanmar authorities not to carry out several death sentences as announced last week.

The EU reiterates its calls for the end of all acts of violence, the immediate and unconditional release of all those arbitrarily detained in relation to the coup, justice and accountability for past and ongoing human rights violations and abuses, and for full, safe and unimpeded humanitarian access to all persons in need.

The EU also calls for an inclusive dialogue of stakeholders directed at the restoration of the path to democracy and the rule of law, and supports ASEAN’s efforts to improve the situation in Myanmar, including the swift implementation of the ASEAN 5-point consensus and the work of the ASEAN special envoy for Myanmar, in close cooperation with the Special Envoy of the UN Secretary-General.

Madam High Commissioner,

How can the HRC best address developments on the ground and their impact on the human rights of persons belonging to minorities?