EU Highlights Achievements and Significant Contributions to Vocational Education in Ukraine during the EU4Skills Programme Final Event in Kyiv

On June 27th, EU4Skills held its final event to showcase the outcomes achieved by the Programme, which aimed to modernise vocational education in Ukraine at both national and regional levels. The event brought together more than 100 representatives from ministries, institutions, regional education departments, educational and methodological centres, VET school leaders, employers, and public organisations who actively participated in the reform implementation. EU4Skills, a three-and-a-half-year multi-donor initiative supported by the EU and member states Germany, Finland, Poland, and Estonia, has successfully concluded its mission, leaving an indelible mark on the development and enhancement of vocational education and training in Ukraine.

"EU continues to support reforms in education. Our efforts in supporting VET education have yielded significant results, and we remain committed to further supporting Ukraine in stabilising the education system and the provision of skilled workforce for the recovery process, thereby facilitating Ukraine's path towards the European Union," stated Frederik Coene,  Head of Cooperation at the EU Delegation to Ukraine.

Through a series of measures, EU4Skills played a pivotal role in supporting 300 schools with generators, IT hardware and schools books to address the challenges posed by the ongoing war. In this way, the Programme facilitated the acquisition of new skills, enabling an uninterrupted educational process in the face of adversity. Another intervention supported the provision of skilled labour for the recovery process. Also EU4Skills developed 20 online courses to support the training of specific competences required for the ongoing rebuilding process. Within the first three months of 2023, over 10,000 individuals registered for these courses, with more than 8,000 successfully completing them. These courses play a vital role in upskilling the workforce and preparing individuals for the evolving labour market. 

Among the notable achievements, EU4Skills contributed to the formulation of progressive legislation, proposed innovative budget mechanisms, and introduced novel approaches to the development of standards and quality assurance. Moreover, the Programme designed and implemented an advanced education management system, promoting transparency and effectiveness in data management and facilitating well-informed decision-making on VET policies at both national and regional levels. In line with digital advancements, an online module for VET enrollment was introduced, streamlining administrative processes and simplifying access to vocational education for students.

"EU4Skills program laid a solid foundation for the development of VET education in Ukraine. Together, we were able to create European-level educational standards and motivate managers and teachers of VET schools to develop themselves and to develop the sector where they work. This is a step on the way to the transformation of vocational education schools into powerful educational centers where professionals in their field will study”, mentioned Dmytro Zavgorodniy, Deputy Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Recognising the importance of gender equality, EU4Skills developed a comprehensive national gender roadmap along with regional plans aimed at promoting gender parity in vocational education. Additionally, the Programme extended support on the regional level, including the provision of equipment and the enhancement of skills and knowledge among VET managers and teachers. These efforts aimed to empower VET students by enabling them to acquire new occupations and find suitable employment opportunities.

To address labour market needs, EU4Skills developed and shared a labour management information methodology throughout Ukraine to enable collection and evaluation of employers' needs and facilitates emergency surveys and skill needs analysis. By strengthening the capacity of national and local authorities in addressing labour market demands, EU4Skills has contributed to a better alignment between vocational education and the needs of the job market. In addition, EU4Skills contributed to the introduction short-term courses targeting internally displaced persons (IDPs), youth, and unemployed individuals. 

During the full-scale invasion of Ukraine, EU4Skills played a pivotal role in supporting VET schools by facilitating blended and distance learning. They provided essential resources and equipment, including 20 IT cabinets and modern technology. Additionally, generators were distributed to ensure uninterrupted power supply to both functioning and relocated VET schools, allowing teachers and learners to come together within the school premises. Furthermore, EU4Skills addressed the challenges faced by offline education by introducing new digital tools and training programs. Approximately 2,500 teachers were equipped with enhanced digital skills, enabling them to navigate remote teaching and deliver quality education.

To meet the increasing demand for digital content, EU4Skills developed over 50 digital education courses and e-learning materials, which were made available on the proftechosvita e-learning platform. These resources not only cater to the needs of VET students but also reach a broader audience, including internally displaced persons (IDPs), adults, and the unemployed, fostering inclusive learning opportunities. In addition, EU4Skills created an online self-study training program tailored specifically for VET school teachers and managers, empowering them with the necessary knowledge and strategies to adapt to the changing educational landscape. These initiatives have had a significant impact, enabling VET schools to overcome challenges and continue providing quality education to learners across Ukraine. Through their comprehensive support, EU4Skills has played a crucial role in empowering VET schools and their stakeholders to navigate the complexities of education during a tumultuous period.

Background information: EU4Skills is a programme to support the reform of vocational education and training in Ukraine. The programme is supported by the EU and its member states, namely Germany, Finland, Poland and Estonia. EU4Skills is aimed at modernising vocational education and training institutions, training school managers and teachers in seven pilot regions: Chernivtsi, Lviv, Mykolaiv, Poltava, Rivne, Vinnytsia and Zaporizhia. Programme’s duration is 2019-2023. EU4Skills is implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) in close cooperation with Finish, Polish and Estonian partners; and Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW).

For more information, please contact Kateryna Kopchuk, or + 38 067 285 96