22 June #TogetherWeActFest – Khmelnytskiy will open a series of regional public events within communication campaign on EU support for civil society and independent media in Ukraine

Dear colleagues,

You are cordially invited to the #TogetherWeActFest – Khmelnytskiy, which will take place June 22, 2024 at Mykhailo Chekman Culture and Recreation Park (1 Parkova St., near the central fountain). 

The event starts at 11:00 am. #TogetherWeActFest – Khmelnytskiy is organized by the European Union Delegation to Ukraine in partnership with NGOFishermen’s Club of Ukraine” as part of the communication campaign Together We Act. Together We Are Europe.

#TogetherWeActFest – Khmelnytskiy opening ceremony will be attended by the representatives of the European Union Delegation to Ukraine, local authorities, activists of civil society organisations, and media of the Khmelnytskiy oblast.

The venue will feature an information tent of the EU Delegation to Ukraine and the Alley of Civil Society Organizations “Solidarity”. Several thematic interactive zones and a photo zone will be set up, and public discussions on the role of civil society and media in reforming Ukraine and European integration, presentations, and other events will be held. The attendees will be able to participate in the prize quest “Unity: Ukraine and EU”, and a playground will be organized for children.

Guests of #TogetherWeActFest will have the opportunity to explore the #TogetherWeAct: SUPPORT exposition, which showcases civil society organizations that have received support from the European Union since the onset of the full-scale war. The exposition opened in Khmelnytskiy on June 10 and will continue until June 23.

  We invite media representatives



#TogetherWeActFest – Khmelnytskiy as part of the all-Ukrainian Communication Campaign on EU support for civil society and independent media in Ukraine


Khmelnytskiy, Mykhailo Chekman Culture and Recreation Park (1 Parkova St., near the central fountain)


June 22, 2024 (Saturday), 11:00 am – 3:00 pm

Registration starts at 10:30 am, the opening ceremony starts at 11:00 pm


officials of the European Union Delegation to Ukraine, local authorities, activists of civil society organisations and media of the Khmelnytskiy Oblast




Media accreditation is open until 5:00 pm on June 21, 2024: Tetiana Voronina, tvoronina9@gmail.com or by phone: +38 067 501 11 83.


#TogetherWeActFest – Khmelnytskiy launches a series of regional events as part of the Together We Act. Together We Are Europe’ communication campaign, implemented by the European Union Delegation to Ukraine. The campaign aims to inform Ukrainians about the EU’s unprecedented and unwavering support for Ukraine, particularly for civil society organizations (CSOs) and independent media since the onset of the full-scale war. This assistance has enabled CSOs and media to protect human rights, advocate for vulnerable groups, enhance public oversight and accountability of government bodies, and facilitate the implementation of reforms. The campaign’s first major public event, #TogetherWeAct Fest, took place in Kyiv on May 25 and attracted over 3,000 attendees.

For more information on the EU’s support to civil society and independent media of Ukraine: eu4ukraine.eu

Learn more about all-Ukrainian communication campaign ‘Together We Act. Together We Are Europe’ by following the EU Delegation to Ukraine on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter/X