EU Ambassador holds meetings with DPMs

In the context of the continuous deepening of the bilateral relation between EU and Turkmenistan, the EU Ambassador to Turkmenistan Diego Ruiz Alonso met several members of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan.

In the context of the continuous deepening of the bilateral relation between EU and Turkmenistan, the EU Ambassador to Turkmenistan Diego Ruiz Alonso met several members of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan on 26 April 2022 to discuss different aspects of the bilateral cooperation and new prospects for future interaction.


During his meeting with Mr. Esenmyrat Orazgeldiyev, DPM for Agro-industrial complex and rural development, the focus was on cooperation for increasing competitiveness of Turkmen sector, improving use of water and technical assistance for access to new markets. Climate change and its impact in Turkmenistan was also part of the discussions, since the EU offered its experience, know-how and technology for the protection of the environment.


Further, Ambassador exchanged views with Ms. Mahrijemal Mammedova, DPM for Culture, mass media, gender and youth in order to determine ways of future cooperation in this field. Scientific and cultural collaboration, joint efforts in archaeological and restoration, and organization of different events to promote Turkmen and European cultures were considered as possible future involvement.


Access to EU’s market and accession of Turkmenistan to WTO were among the main topics discussed during meeting with Mr. Chary Gylyjov, DPM for Trade complex, textile industry.


Finally, Ambassador and Mr. Shahym Abdrakhmanov, DPM for Oil and gas industry focused their meeting on possible cooperation in this sector between EU and Turkmenistan, both short and long term.