Strengthening Plant Health Services in Tanzania for Enhanced Food Safety

The Plant Health project aims to increase access to safe and quality agricultural produce for national and international markets.


  • Establishing, equipping and staffing TPHPA.
  • Training of plant health border inspectors and plant health field staff.
  • Improvement of laboratory diagnostic and surveillance capacity.
  • Enhancing field reporting and surveillance efficiency.
  • Adoption of modern and innovative health data collection and management systems.
  • Enhancing food safety for export and domestic trade.


  • Relevant directorates of TPHPA fulfil mandates in accordance with international standards.
  • Capacity of plant health inspectors at export and import posts is improved.
  • Detection and traceability systems are operational.
  • Sampling and transmission procedures for export products are strengthened.
  • Field plant protection and surveillance service providers are better skilled and equipped.
  • Modern and innovative data collection and transfer practices are developed.
EUR 10.6M (27.45 Billion TZS)
Agriculture & Food Security
Min of Agriculture, TPHPA; Presidents’ Office; PO-RALG; Prime Ministers’ Office, Environmental Division & Disaster Management Div; Min of Industry Trade & Investment; Min of Health; Min of Agriculture, Natural Resources, Livestock & Irrigation, ZNZ, FAO,
EUR 10M (25.90 Billion TZS)