İhale Olanakları

Avrupa Topluluğu fonlarından Türkiye'ye aktarılan katılım öncesi mali yardım; hizmet, mal alımı, inşaat işleri, eşleştirme ve hibe alanlarında birçok ihale fırsatı sunmaktadır. Şeffaflık ve eşit muamelinin sağlanması amacıyla ihaleler ve teklif çağrıları düzenli olarak aşağıda belirtilen web sitelerinde yayınlanmaktadır. İlgilenen başvuru sahipleri ve tedarikçilerin fon imkanlarından faydalanmak üzere aşağıda belirtilen bağlantıları düzenli olarak ziyaret etmeleri önerilir.

01 Temmuz 2007 tarihinden önce sitemizde yayınlanmış olan ihale duyuruları için lütfen EuropeAid ve CFCU web sitelerini ziyaret ediniz.

Call for tender procedures

Open procedure

In the case of open tender procedures, the EU Delegation will post its contract notices and the tender specifications on this website but only after mandatory publication of the contract notice has taken place in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU). The specifications (a file containing all the information on the procurement procedure, including any questionnaires required to submit tenders) may be downloaded from this website. Applicants are advised to make sure to read very carefully the instructions on how (envelopes, number of copies, etc.), and by when to submit offers, as any failure to meet the requirements might lead to exclusion from the tendering procedure. Offers can be submitted either by post or by hand. After the deadline for the submission of offers has lapsed, all envelopes will be opened at the same time by a tender opening committee. Then an evaluation committee will be called to assess the offers according to the selection and award criteria given in the contract notice and/or tendering specifications concerning the respective call for tenders. The award stage starts with the signing of the award decision by the Contracting Authority. This is followed by the notification of the results to all the tenderers, both successful and unsuccessful, simultaneously. All unsuccessful applicants have the right to request in writing additional information on the justification for the award decision.

After completion of the financial procedure, the EU Delegation will conclude a written contract with the successful tenderer. Once the contract is signed with the successful tenderer, an award notice is published in the OJEU.


Restricted procedures

In the case of restricted tender procedures, the EU Delegation will post its contract notices on this website but only after mandatory publication of the contract notice has taken place in the Official Journal of the European Union (OJEU). The restricted procedures are conducted in two phases, where all economic operators may ask to take part in the tender (phase one), but only candidates satisfying the selection criteria referred to in relevant Articles and invited simultaneously and in writing by the contracting authority may submit a tender in accordance with the tender specifications provided to them (phase two). There will be no public opening for phase one of the procedure, but for phase two of the procedure, all envelopes will be opened at the same time by a tender opening committee. Then an evaluation committee will be called to assess the offers according to the selection and award criteria given in the contract notice and/or tendering specifications concerning the respective call for tender. The award stage starts with the signing of the award decision by the Contracting Authority. This is followed by the notification of the results to all the tenderers, both successful and unsuccessful, simultaneously. All unsuccessful applicants have the right to request in writing additional information on the justification for the award decision. After completion of the financial procedure, the EU Delegation will conclude a written contract with the successful tenderer. Once the contract is signed with the successful tenderer, an award notice is published in the OJEU.


Negotiated procedure for low and middle-value contracts

Where necessary and justified, the EU Delegation may invite economic operators for negotiated procurement procedures for the acquisition of supplies, works, and services, in accordance with EU public procurement rules.

Negotiated procurement procedures with a value exceeding 15,000 EUR and below 143,000 EUR will be advertised on this website. Economic operators interested in participating in a tender listed below should e-mail their details with a reference to the specific tender by the fixed deadline.

Low-value contracts - Expected calls for tenders for low-value contracts between 15,000 EUR and 60,000 EUR.

Middle-value contracts - Expected calls for tenders for middle-value contracts between 60,000 EUR and 143,000 EUR.

For instructions applicable to negotiated procedure for (very)low and middle-value contracts, please visit https://eeas.europa.eu/sites/default/files/instructions_applicable_to_negotiated_procedure_for_very_low_and_middle-value_contracts_en_0.pdf

Current Call for Tenders

Please send an e-mail to DELEGATION-TURKIYE-ADMIN-TENDERS@eeas.europa.eu to express your interest in participating to any of the below listed tenders with your contact details or for any related questions.



Provision of catering services for the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye


In preparation

Deadline for expressions of interest:


Estimated launch date of the tender:


Please send an e-mail to DELEGATION-TURKIYE-ADMIN-TENDERS@eeas.europa.eu to express your interest in participating to the tender with your contact details





Provision of furniture for the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye office

Estimated launch date and deadline for expression of interests

First quarter of 2024






Provision of a customized type of HEAT training to the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye's staff members

Estimated launch date and deadline for expression of interests

Second quarter of 2024


In preparation




Provision of private health insurance services for the locally appointed staff members of the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye

Estimated launch date and deadline for expression of interests

Third quarter of 2024


In preparation




Provision of STRATCOM services (e.g. reports, publications, events, networking activities) for the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye

Estimated launch date and deadline for expression of interests

Third quarter of 2024


In preparation




Provision of mobile phone lines and internet connection to the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye

Estimated launch date and deadline for expression of interests

Third quarter of 2024


In preparation




Provision of various IT equipment (e.g. computer hardware, projectors, cables, UPS’, tablets) to the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye

Estimated launch date and deadline for expression of interests

Third quarter of 2024


In preparation




Provision of security services (e.g. guarding services, alarm systems) to the Delegation of the European Union to Türkiye

Estimated launch date and deadline for expression of interests

Fourth quarter of 2024


In preparation


İhale Olanaklarını İnceleyin


IPA 4. Bileşeni – İnsan Kaynaklarının Geliştirilmesi Program Otoritesi (HRD OS)



T.C. Çalışma, Sosyal Hizmetler ve Aile Bakanlığı AB Koordinasyon Dairesi, Türkiye'de İnsan Kaynaklarının Geliştirilmesi (IPA 4. Bileşeni) alanında AB fonlu operasyonların ihalesinden, akdinden ve mali idaresinden sorumlu Program Otoritesidir (PRO).


EuropeAid İşbirliği Ofisi (EuropeAid)



EuropeAid, internet sitesinde, mevcut, kısa süre önce yayınlanmış veya iptal edilmiş ihalelere ilişkin tüm duyuruları ve ihale dosyalarını düzenli olarak yayınlar.
EuropeAid mal, hizmet ve inşaat işleri sözleşmelerine ilişkin tüm uluslararası ve yerel ihale duyurularının yanı sıra hibe imkanları için uluslararası teklif çağrılarını da yayınlamaktadır.


Merkezi Finans ve İhale Birimi (MFİB)


Türk idari yapısı altında faaliyet gösteren MFİB, Türkiye'de uygulanan Avrupa Komisyonu finansmanlı projelere destek vermek amacıyla yürüttüğü aktivitelerin ihale ve sözleşme süreçlerinden sorumludur.
Türkiye'de uygulanmakta olan projelere ilişkin teklif çağrılarını ve satın alma duyurularını MFİB'den takip edebilirsiniz.


Avrupa Birliği Türkiye Delegasyonu


Avrupa Birliği Türkiye Delegasyonunun ihale makamı olduğu ihale ve teklif çağrılarının duyurularını yayınlamaktadır. Yerel hibe teklif çağrıları, yerel satın almalar ve idari satın alma duyuruları burada yayınlanmaktadır.



Türkiye'deki Mülteciler için Mali Yardım Program

FRIT kapsamındaki projelerle ilgilenenlere başvuru yapma çağrısı : Devamı bu sayfada

"Sağlık", "eğitim", "sosyo-ekonomi" ve "belediye" altyapısı alanında Niyet Beyanı Çağrısı ile ilgili soru ve cevapları görmek için lütfen aşağıdaki ayrıntıları kontrol edin. (Yayın tarihi: Mayıs 2020)


Avrupa Dış İlişkiler Servisi (EEAS) ve Avrupa Birliği Delegasyonlari, kişisel verilerin işlenmesinde, Reg. (EU) 2016/679 sayili Genel Veri Koruma Tüzüğüyle uyumlu hale getirilmek üzere gözden geçirilmekte olan, (EC) 45/2001 sayili kişisel verilerin topluluk kurum ve kuruluşlari tarafindan işlenmesine ve sözkonusu verilerin serbest dolaşimina dair kişilerin korunmasi tüzüğü başta olmak üzere ilgili AB veri koruma mevzuatina uygun hareket eder. Kişisel nitelikteki her türlü veri – sizi doğrudan ya da dolayli olarak tanimlayan veriler – gerekli özen gösterilmek suretiyle kanunlara uygun ve tarafsız bir biçimde işleme alinir. Kişisel verilerin aktarimi halinde alicilara, yukarida sözü edilen tüzük hükümleri uyarinca kişisel verileri gereken özeni göstermek suretiyle işleme almalari gerektiği hatirlatilir.     

Detayli bilgi için gizlilik beyanlarına başvurabilirsiniz:  

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