Snapshot: Impact of EU response to Syria crisis


Seven years of war in Syria have taken an enormous toll on the civilian population in the country, causing one of the worst humanitarian crises the world has faced since World War II.


Seven years of war in Syria have taken an enormous toll on the civilian population in the country, causing one of the worst humanitarian crises the world has faced since World War II. The conflict is also having an increasingly destabilising impact on the wider region, through the displacement of people, the spread of terrorism, economic disruption, and the exacerbation of political and sectarian tensions.

The European Union continues to call and work for an end to the violence in Syria. The EU firmly believes that only a credible political solution in line with UN Security Council Resolution 2254[1]and the 2012 Geneva Communiqué [2]will end the war and ensure the long term stability of Syria and the region.





  • Supporting the UN-led intra-Syrian negotiations towards a genuine political transition
  • Strengthening the political opposition to promote a meaningful and inclusive transition in Syria
  • Saving lives by addressing the humanitarian needs of the most vulnerable Syrians across the country and in the region
  • Strengthening Syrian civil society organisations to promote democracy, human rights and freedom of speech
  • Promoting accountability for war crimes with a view to facilitating a national reconciliation process and transitional justice
  • Supporting the resilience of the Syrian population and society, as well as of refugees and their host communities in neighbouring countries.

The EU will be ready to assist in the reconstruction of Syria only once a comprehensive, genuine and inclusive political transition is firmly under way, negotiated by the Syrian parties in conflict on the bases of UNSC Resolution 2254 and the 2012 Geneva Communiqué.


© UNICEF Jordan/2016/Rich  ​




Since 2011, the EU’s humanitarian assistance has reached millions of people in need inside Syria and in neighbouring refugee-hosting countries. Nearly €1.65 billion have helped deliver humanitarian assistance regionally, including €753.6 million to provide first-line emergency response and post-emergency response inside Syria, in the following key sectors: food; health; shelter and emergency household items; water, sanitation and hygiene; protection and education in emergency.

The EU also provides substantial support to neighbouring refugee-host countries (primarily Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon) where more than 2.5 million vulnerable refugees and host communities accessed shelter, cash assistance, life-saving health and medical assistance as well as psycho-social support and protection in 2017 alone.

As well as emergency assistance, over €3.4 billion have been mobilised in support of resilience programmes addressing the medium-term needs of civilians inside Syria as well as of refugees and hosting communities in the region, including Palestine refugees.

In 2015, the Facility for Refugees in Turkey was created with a total budget of €3 billion to be mobilised in 2016-17, to help ensure that the needs of refugees and host communities in Turkey are addressed. Some 72 projects have been supported focusing on humanitarian assistance, education, migration management, health, municipal infrastructure, and socio-economic support to both refugees and host communities in Turkey.                                                                                                 

The Regional Trust Fund in response to the Syrian crisis has contributions and pledges from 22 EU Member States and Turkey, amounting to €150 million, and contributions from various EU instruments. The Fund has reached a total volume of €1.5 billion and supports projects focusing on education, livelihoods, health, socio-economic support, water and waste infrastructure for a total of €1.2 billion.



[1] The United Nations Security Council Resolution 2254 was unanimously adopted on 18 December 2015. It calls for a ceasefire, unhindered humanitarian access and political settlement in Syria.

[2]  The Geneva Communiqué was issued on 30 June 2012 after a meeting of the UN-backed Action Group for Syria. It laid out a six-point plan intended to stop the violence and move the two sides towards a political settlement. It was endorsed in the Security Council Resolution 2118/2013



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