Launch of ex post evaluation of the EU-SADC Economic Partnership Agreement website

The EU has launched an ex-post evaluation of the EU-SADC Economic Partnership Agreement – see: All relevant stakeholders are invited to participate actively in the process. The main aim of the website is to provide relevant information about the evaluation, both in terms of process and outputs, while also providing the opportunity to stakeholders to easily get in contact with the study team.

Background - The EU-SADC EPA is a development-oriented free trade agreement between the EU and six parties from the Southern African Development Community (SADC): Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia and South Africa. It was signed on 10 June 2016 and has been provisionally applied since 10 October 2016, except for Mozambique, for which provisional application started on 4 February 2018. Under the Agreement, South Africa receives duty free and quota free access to the EU for 96% of its exports and an additional 2.7% of its exports benefit from reduced tariffs or from preferential tariff rate quotas. South Africa grants gradually over ten years duty free and quota free treatment to 84.3% of tariff lines on imports from the EU, and an additional 13.3% benefit from reduced tariffs or tariff rate quotas. Certain sensitive products such as motor vehicles for the transport of goods and petroleum oils are excluded from liberalisation. Liberalisation of services trade and investment may be negotiated in the future.