Europe Day Celebrations in Mogadishu with the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, H.E. Hassan Sheik Mohamud as Guest of Honour

The European Union Delegation in Somalia celebrated Europe Day at the EU Delegation Compound. The event was graced by the attendance of the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who served as the Guest of Honour, symbolising the strong ties between the EU and Somalia.


Mogadishu, 9 May, 2024 – The European Union Delegation in Somalia celebrated Europe Day at the EU Delegation Compound. The event was graced by the attendance of the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia, H.E. Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, who served as the Guest of Honour, symbolising the strong ties between the EU and Somalia.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud signs the guest book at the EU Compound in Mogadishu.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud signs the guest book at the EU Compound in Mogadishu.

In his address, President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud expressed his gratitude for the EU's steadfast support to Somalia, acknowledging its crucial role in Somalia's development. Reflecting on the EU’s achievements, President Hassan noted, “EU’s political and socio-economic integration and governance is what we can learn in the Horn of Africa region and the African continent to silence guns, spur growth and herald a new chapter of sustainable development for our citizens.”

The event drew over 250 attendees, including eight Somali ministers, senior government officials, and representatives from civil society, prominent business leaders, distinguished academics, and delegates from the international community. The event also saw the participation of the Italian and Swedish Ambassadors to Somalia, EUCAP Somalia, EUTM Somalia, EU Member States, and other EU institutions, demonstrating a strong Team Europe spirit.

Somali President and EU dignitaries celebrate EU Day in Mogadishu.

President Hassan Sheikh (middle) and EU dignitaries celebrate EU Day in Mogadishu.

EU Ambassador to Somalia, Ms. Karin Johansson, underscored the importance of this year’s celebration, which coincided with the first anniversary of the EU-Somalia Joint Operational Roadmap. "Our partnership with Somalia has deepened over the past year," she stated. "The Joint Operational Roadmap outlines our shared priorities in inclusive politics, security, and socio-economic growth."

Ambassador Johansson further remarked, “The EU and Somalia share the understanding that the only way to build prosperity and an inclusive society, whether in Europe, Somalia, or elsewhere in the world, is through providing security and fostering a safe and stable environment,”

In a notable announcement, EU Ambassador Karin Johansson unveiled the Annual Silsiladda Deegaanka Poetry Competition during the event, providing Somali poets a platform to engage in meaningful discussions on climate change mitigation and resilience.

Europe Day, celebrated annually on May 9th, commemorates the Schuman Declaration of 1950, the foundational document of the EU. This declaration laid the groundwork for European cooperation and peace.



Abdikadir ASKAR | Press and Information Officer,

Delegation of the European Union to the Federal Republic of Somalia



Abdikadir ASKAR | Press and Information Officer,

Delegation of the European Union to the Federal Republic of Somalia
