BREACH: Boosting Resilience and Adaptation to Climate Change (EuropeAid/175617/DD/ACT/)


The Delegation of the European Union to the Federal Republic of Somalia is seeking proposals for boosting resilience and adaptation to climate change, with financial assistance from the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe (NDICI – Global Europe).

The Delegation of the European Union to the Federal Republic of Somalia is seeking proposals for boosting resilience and adaptation to climate change, with financial assistance from the Neighbourhood, Development and International Cooperation Instrument – Global Europe (NDICI – Global Europe). The specific objectives of this call for proposals are to improve prevention of and preparedness for food crises in communities in vulnerable situation, and to achieve durable solutions to displacement in selected geographic areas of the Federal Republic of Somalia.

Contact Details

Guidelines for applicants are available for consultation on the following internet site:

The deadline for submission of full applications is 22 February 2023 at 16:00 (EAT).

An online information session via WebEx is planned for 26 January 2023, at 14:00 (EAT).

Should you be interested in attending this session, please send an email by 23 January 2023 close-of-business to, indicating: name, surname, and email address of the person(s) who are going to participate (max. two participants per organisation), as well as their organisation’s name. No costs incurred by the applicants for attending this information session are reimbursable.