Speech of Ambassador Müller on Europe Day 2024

Celebration of Europe Day 2024 and launch of the EU-Sierra Leone Bus Tour.

It gives me a great pleasure to welcome all of you on behalf of the European Union Delegation to Sierra Leone to tonight’s event. I would like to welcome especially our guest of honour, the Hon. Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and of International Cooperation, Madame Francess Alghali.

Today, on the occasion of Europe Day, we start the European Union-Sierra Leone Bus Tour. During 2 weeks, the blue-yellow EU-Salone Bus will travel to several districts of Sierra Leone and we will visit the beneficiaries of the Sierra Leonean initiatives that Team Europe has been supporting. We will listen to the beneficiaries. Together with the Government, we want to be close to the people, close to those who receive the support.

Team Europe is one Team of 27 EU Member States and the EU Institutions. We are working together with Sierra Leone as one Team. Here in Freetown, the member states Germany, Ireland and France have diplomatic representations. But development cooperation also comes from EU partners who have no Embassy here, all taxpayers in the EU contribute.

Our Team Europe supports Sierra Leone in the implementation of the National Medium Term Development Plan and the Big 5 Game Changers. Our interventions are aligned with the priorities of the Government. Our aim is to support the development of the country. This includes Sierra Leonean initiatives

  • to boost the economy,
  • to accelerate social development,
  • as well as to further develop democracy and the rule of law, including human rights.

The European Union will continue its Global Gateway support to Sierra Leone especially

  • on Green Transition, which includes agriculture, green energy and the protection of nature,
  • on education
  • and on good governance.

I am happy that recently, we formally agreed with the Government to launch the Spotlight Initiative, which unites the European Union and the United Nations in supporting the Government of Sierra Leone in its fight against Sexual and Gender Based Violence.

We congratulate Sierra Leone for the success of the Gender Equality and Women Empowerment Act, which i.a. led to a higher representation of women in Government and Parliament.

The Big 5 can only be implemented fully, if the private sector joins hands. The EU has agreed with the Government on a program to support Sierra Leonean initiatives to come to a more conducive business climate. Domestic and international investments are needed. This requires a reliable, transparent and rules based environment for investors, an environment characterized by legal security. We are delighted to support the Government’s initiatives in this regard.

With Feed Salone, the Government chose the right priority. There is immense potential for upscaling production in various agricultural value chains in Sierra Leone. Often, the private sector lacks access to affordable loans. The EU therefore has started a program with UNCDF, which enables some commercial banks to offer more attractive loan schemes to private sector value chain operators.

Distinguished guests,

A conducive political environment will have a positive effect on the much-needed economic development. The EU commends the progress made by Sierra Leonean stakeholders in the implementation of the agreement on National Unity. This agreement is a Sierra Leonean achievement. Sierra Leonean politicians came together and established a future-oriented dialogue process.

We are looking forward to the upcoming recommendations of the Election System Review Committee for future elections. The EU will continue to support Electoral Management Bodies in implementing future-oriented recommendations.

The upcoming constitutional reform process will be an opportunity to strengthen democracy, the rule of law and national unity - through an inclusive and transparent process in which all stakeholders have a voice. 

Working towards a future-oriented inclusive and pluralistic democracy that is based on national unity and on the rule of law and watched by strong independent media as well as by a vibrant civil society will give more room for focussing on the much-needed socio-economic development.

Honorable Minister,

The European Union is happy about the partnership with Sierra Leone, a partnership based on the universal values of the United Nations. We congratulate the Sierra Leonean Government for its fruitful work in the United Nations Security Council. The European Union and its member states will continue to cooperate with Sierra Leone in the United Nations. Together, we are looking forward to the upcoming UN Summit for the Future.

It is important that we continue to join hands to defend multilateralism including the values and objectives enshrined in the UN Charter as well as all human rights and fundamental freedoms. Multilateralism is the best answer to foster peace and security.

The European Union continues to be committed to work with partners to end the crisis in Gaza without delay and to implement United Nations Security Council Resolution 2728, including through reaching an immediate ceasefire and the unconditional release of all hostages, as well as providing full, rapid, safe and unhindered access to humanitarian aid at scale for Palestinians in need. The European Union remains firmly committed to a lasting and sustainable peace based on the two-state solution. The European Union stands ready to work with all partners to avoid further escalation of tensions in the region.

The Russian aggression on Ukraine has been continuing for more than two years. The EU stands with Ukraine. Every day we can feel the consequences of this unprovoked aggression by Russia. Rising world prices for food and energy are examples of how the Russian aggression on Ukraine makes Sierra Leoneans suffer every day.

Distinguished guests,

In April, the Africa Director of the European External Action Service visited Sierra Leone. She met with Government, opposition, civil society and media to learn more about the progress of the implementation of the agreement of national unity and about the development needs of the country. Her interactions with the District Council in Kambia provided her with precious insights into the important work of local councils in Sierra Leone, public sector entities that are near to the people. That is why EU has been giving a strong support to the fruitful work of District Councils.

Missions from Headquarters foster our bilateral partnership with Sierra Leone. Therefore, I am very pleased that in recent months several Team Europe representatives from EU Member States visited Sierra Leone: the Danish Minister for Cooperation, the German Deputy Minister for Cooperation, the German UN Director, the Irish Africa Director and the French Africa Director. This shows Team Europe’s strong interest in further deepening our partnership with Sierra Leone.

Tonight I am very happy to welcome among us the crew of the Italian Marine Vessel ITS COMANDANTE BETTICA, under the lead of Commander Giuseppe BONFIGLIO. The vessel is currently on a port visit in Freetown. Dear European friends from Italy, siamo felici di avervi qui con noi per festeggiare inisieme la giornata dell’Europa.

This year is an electoral year in Europe. Citizens in all 27 EU member states will vote for a new European Parliament from 6th to 9th of June.

Democracy implies that leadership is limited in time. In June, it is up to the European citizens to decide in transparent elections who shall represent them in the European Parliament for the upcoming 5 years.

Distinguished guests,

As I constantly have been repeating every year on the occasion of Europe Day:

The European Union will continue to stand with the Government, with the Opposition, with the Parliament, with the Electoral Management Bodies, with the Civil Society, with the Media, with the Human Rights and Gender Activists, with the People Living with Disabilities, with the women and men, young and old, en wiꝺ ᴐl di pipul dem na Salone.

Honourable Minister, Excellences, Distinguished Guests,

It is a great pleasure for me to invite you to raise your glasses and to drink to the prosperity and well-being of Sierra Leone – a country dedicated to peace, socio-economic development, human rights and an inclusive and participatory democratic level playing field for all.

Long live the people of Sierra Leone. Long live the relations between Sierra Leone and Europe.   

Happy Europe Day to all.