Europe Day 2024 in Sierra Leone

A special Europe Day 2024 for Team Europe in Sierra Leone


On 9 May 2024, the European Union Delegation to Sierra Leone celebrated Europe Day and brought Team Europe (EU and its Member States) in Sierra Leone closer to the Sierra Leonean people, launching an EU-Sierra Leone Bus Tour that will travel across the country for two weeks and highlight the tangible impact of projects jointly implemented. 

The launch of the EU-Sierra Leone Bus Tour took place on 9 May at a special event at the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, in the presence of the Minister, Hon. Kenyeh Ballay, and later on the same day at the Europe Day reception held at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Freetown. At this reception, the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Hon. Francess Piagie Alghali, delivered a statement on behalf of the Sierra Leonean Government. She joined the EU Ambassador Manuel Müller, the Irish Ambassador Aidan Fitzpatrick, the German Chargé d’Affaires a. i. Patrick Dzierzon, and the French Chargé d’Affaires Romain Vuillaume in the celebration of Europe Day and the strong partnership between Team Europe and Sierra Leone. Several Cabinet Ministers, representatives of the Sierra Leonean Government and other institutions, political parties, civil society, and international partners, as well as members of the Italian Navy participating in a mission deployed in the region, also were present at the reception. Around 400 guests attended the event.   

In his statement, EU Ambassador Manuel Müller pointed out: “During 2 weeks, the blue-yellow EU-Salone Bus will travel to several districts of Sierra Leone. We will visit and listen to the beneficiaries of the Sierra Leonean initiatives that Team Europe has been supporting. We want to be close to the people, close to those who receive the support. As Team Europe, we are working together with Sierra Leone as one Team. We are supporting Sierra Leone in the implementation of the National Medium Term Development Plan and the Big 5 Game Changers. Our interventions are aligned with the priorities of the Government. The European Union will continue its Global Gateway support to Sierra Leone especially on Green Transition, which includes agriculture, green energy and the protection of nature, on education, and on good governance.”

Ambassador Müller highlighted the recent launch in Sierra Leone of the Spotlight Initiative, which unites the European Union and the United Nations in supporting the Government in its fight against Sexual and Gender Based Violence. He congratulated Sierra Leone for the enactment of the Gender Equality and Women Empowerment Act and the enhanced representation of women in Government and Parliament.

The EU Ambassador also pointed out: “A conducive political environment will have a positive effect on the much-needed economic development. The EU commends the progress made by Sierra Leonean stakeholders in the implementation of the agreement on National Unity. This agreement is a Sierra Leonean achievement. Sierra Leonean politicians came together and established a future-oriented dialogue process. We are looking forward to the upcoming recommendations of the Election System Review Committee for future elections. The EU will continue to support Electoral Management Bodies in implementing future-oriented recommendations.”

The EU Delegation offered to all guests, as a special gift, several seeds of Sierra Leonean local products (okra, krain-krain, cucumbers, and maize) which are part of the agriculture projects supported by the European Union in collaboration with Sierra Leone. The EU Delegation invited guests to plant these seeds, in support of the Sierra Leonean Government’s “Feed Salone” initiative and EU projects aligned with it, aimed to strengthen agriculture and food systems in the country.