Europe Days in Senegal (09 to 20 May 2022)

Europe Day – 9 May – is, together with the European flag, currency, motto and anthem, one of the symbols of the European Union. Activities and festivities are organized on this occasion. Anniversary date of the Schuman Declaration, considered as the "birth certificate" of the European Union, Europe Day is today a strong symbol of this alliance.

To celebrate Europe Day, the Delegation of the European Union in Senegal is offering various activities for all audiences for two weeks around the following theme: "Youth in the present: Amul Bayi (we don't give up)".

In a context where issues of stability, security and social cohesion continue to be affected by the permanence of many conflict zones around the world and by the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of youth as actor and engine of any society is essential. Their daily action in favor of development, solidarity, dialogue, interconnectivity, political participation and civic engagement, contributes in a significant and lasting way to the processes of consolidation of peace and development.

In Senegal, despite the will and efforts of the State and its partners, Senegalese youth continue to face the challenges of growing demography, poverty, lack of jobs and employability, insecurity, erosion values. Added to this is the development of a culture of violence and distrust of institutions. Senegal, long considered a country of "peace and dialogue", is facing a periodic and recurrent resurgence of hotbeds of tension and violence, mainly affecting young people.

On the other hand, new generations of creative, innovative and change-making young people are emerging in different sectors of development and public life. These young people call on the State and its partners, including the European Union, for new forms of partnership. Also, these young people are creatively active in strengthening the culture of peace, social cohesion and the development of the values ​​of solidarity and citizenship.

Given these particular realities, and given that young Senegalese men and women are the priority targets of European Union action in Senegal, the celebration of Europe Days 2022 is geared towards dialogue with young Senegalese, champions for social cohesion and peace. The celebration of May 9, 2022 and Europe Days therefore offers an opportunity to engage in dialogue and highlight certain initiatives by young Senegalese, focusing on issues of social cohesion, active citizenship and the promotion of peace. , in Senegal and beyond.

On this occasion, the European Union, in collaboration with the EU Member States present in Senegal, will organize a series of events, exchanges and debates centered around this particular theme. The program will also include a traveling component, through visits to projects and initiatives supported by the European Union.

Finally, the Europe Days will be an opportunity to launch an awareness campaign on the role of young Senegalese men and women who contribute, on a daily basis, through their civic action, to the consolidation of the culture of peace and cohesion. social.

Stay connected on our website and on our social networks Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to follow all the activities organized in Senegal, as part of Europe Days.
