Call for proposals for actions implemented by Civil Society Organisations and Human Rights Defenders in Rwanda


Reference: EuropeAid/174624/DD/ACT/

The Delegation of the European Union to Rwanda is seeking proposals for actions implemented by Civil Society Organisations and Human Rights Defenders in Rwanda.

This call is financed by the European Civil Society Organisation(CSO) programme and the Human Rights and Democracy (HR&D) programme.

Civil Society Organisations   Lots:

Lot 1: Budget accountability

Lot 2: Disability

Lot 3: Environment

Lot 4: Art & Culture

Human Rights and Democracy Lots :

Lot 5: Human Rights and Democracy

Lot 6: Human Rights in the Mining Sector

The full guidelines for applicants for all lots are available on the EuropeAid website below:

Please use this reference number: 174624.

Guidelines are also available at the premises of the Delegation of the European Union to Rwanda, KG 7 Ave, 3rd Floor, Aurore Building, Kacyiru. 

The deadline for submission of proposals (concept notes) is on 14 October 2022 at 5.00pm

An information session will be held on Thursday 04 August 2022, at 8.30am at the Crown Conference Hall, Nyarutarama. The session is limited to two persons per organisation.

Please register for the information session by 28 July 2022:

Contact Details

Guidelines are also available at the premises of the Delegation of the European Union to Rwanda, KG 7 Ave, 3rd Floor, Aurore Building, Kacyiru.