EU Press Release on UNRWA's Union Strike in the West Bank

The EU and its MS express their deep concern about the protracted strike of UNRWA staff in the WB. The strike has devastating consequences for the refugees, not only depriving the children of their right to education but also hindering the delivery of basic health services and waste collection.

 In order to avoid a further deterioration of the humanitarian situation in the refugee camps, we call on UNRWA unions to end the strike immediately and resume all of UNRWA's critical services.

 As to the ongoing standoff regarding the salary review and any other issues which led to the strike,  we urge all parties to find  constructive solutions in the interest of the refugee community, within the financial constraints under which UNRWA has to operate for some time now. 

 We take positive note of ongoing efforts by the newly PLO- appointed mediators to facilitate discussions between UNRWA management and the trade unions.

 The EU and its MS remain the largest providers of international assistance to Palestine refugees. Our commitment to ensure UNRWA's services to those most in need remains firm, as well as our appreciation for the invaluable work of UNRWA's staff.

 We are committed to engage with Arab countries and other not traditional donors to seek further financial support to the agency; we propose that a third party, agreeable to all, could work on the current UNRWA staff policy, and we propose a space for the refugee community and UNRWA staff to engage with members in the AdCom discussions.