Statement by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the situation in Niger

The EU condemns in the strongest terms the coup in Nigér. The events of recent days constitute a serious attack on stability and democracy in Nigér. The European Union calls for President Bazoum's security and freedom of movement to be guaranteed unconditionally.

The EU condemns in the strongest terms the coup in Nigér. The events of recent days constitute a serious attack on stability and democracy in Nigér.

As ECOWAS pointed out in its latest press release, this coup is in total violation of the democratic principles on which the management of political power in the region is based. The EU reiterates its support for the action of the organization in the sub-region and for the ongoing efforts to allow an immediate return to constitutional order.

The European Union calls for President Bazoum's security and freedom of movement to be guaranteed unconditionally.

Any breach of the constitutional order will have consequences for cooperation between the EU and Niger, including the immediate suspension of all budget support. We will remain in close coordination with the ECOWAS Heads of State.

The EU stands with the people of Nigér and reaffirms its full commitment to strict respect for the rule of law, human rights and international humanitarian law in Nigér.