EU-Nepal Business Forum 2024: Celebrating 50 Years of Relations and promoting European Investment in Nepal

The European Union Delegation in Nepal is organising the EU-Business Forum 2024 as part of the year-long celebration of 50 years of diplomatic relations with Nepal to promote more European Investment in Nepal.

The business forum on 15-16 May 2024 will bring together more than 300 participants (and over 1,000 online participants), including EU and Nepali private sector companies, high level Nepal Government and EU officials, to explore potential business partnerships and investment options.

“The business forum is designed to showcase opportunities for investment in high potential sectors in Nepal such as renewable energies and ICT to our European private sector and to discuss further reforms in the business environment that are needed to attract further private investment,” said Veronique Lorenzo, EU Ambassador to Nepal.

“Nepal is keen to open up to more foreign direct investment and we see fostering greater economic links between the European Union and Nepal as a priority in our relations, especially as we accompany Nepal in its graduation to middle income country,” she added.

The EU-Nepal Business Forum 2024 will provide a platform to discuss potential investments and collaborative projects in Nepal's priority sectors such as renewable energy, information technology, agriculture and agro-processing and high-end tourism. The forum will have four plenary sessions and four sector-focused parallel sessions in addition to special business-to-business meetings and pitching and matching opportunities.

In accordance with its high environmental and social standards, the European Union seeks to support private sector-led initiatives for sustainable economic growth through ventures in green and circular economy and through the development of environmentally friendly products and services.

More information about the Business Forum is available at   
