Survey: European Investment and Trade in Namibia - Deadline Extended

Do you operate in Namibia? Are you considering operating here? Has your company links to an EU country? If so, tell us the barriers & opportunities you face. Your opinion will feed the upcoming EU-Namibia Business Forum.

You can fill in the online survey here


The EU Delegation is preparing EU-Namibia Trade & Business Forums in 2022/23. To tailor this dialogue to the business’ needs, we are asking for firms’ opinion on what should be discussed as well as analysing the EU-linked business’ presence in Namibia.

Firms with EU shareholders, capital, registration, management or other links to any of the EU 27 countries can participate by filing in the 5-minutes survey online (click here). Deadline extended until 15 July.

Namibian firms whose main market is an European country can participate as well.

We encourage you to participate and send this information to EU-linked firms operating in Namibia or willing to invest / trade here. We also encourage you to publish the news in your websites, newsletters and social media networks. The more replies we receive, the more targeted the events will be to your needs.

Replies are confidential. They will be presented in aggregated form (as a whole, not mentioning individual companies) and will not be shared with third parties.

Ines Escudero ( is implementing this project on behalf of the EU Delegation to Namibia. Do not hesitate to contact her if you need further information.

This project is part of the European External Investment Plan (EIP) to help boosting EU investment in Africa. More info at: