The EU together with its Member States celebrate the Europe Day annually on 9 May. It was on the 9th of May 1950 (73 years ago), when Robert Schuman called on the nations of Europe to unify and make war in the continent no more possible.

H.E. Sinnika Antila hosted her last Europe day reception yesterday as EU Ambassador to Namibia. Europe Day is observed on 9 May annually to honour the legacy and contribution of Robert Schuman in the creation of the European Union.

A keynote speech was delivered by Hon. Natalia Goagoses, Deputy Minister of Urban and Rural Development, who was the Guest of Honour.

As 2023 is the European Year of Skills, focusing on developing skills to boost professional and social inclusion and growth, targeting, in particular, youth, women and minorities. Ambassador Antila emphasised the importance of skills development to help realise Namibia’s aspirations of becoming a hub for green hydrogen.

This year’s Europe Day celebration marks 33 years of EU-Namibia Partnership, coinciding with the anniversary of the country’s independence. Of importance to note, is the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding by President von der Leyen and President Geingob on the EU-Namibia Partnership on Sustainable Raw Materials and Renewable Hydrogen in November 2022 at COP27. This partnership will support both the EU and Namibia’s climate ambitions and bring value added to the local economy.

As part of the EU-Namibia partnership on Sustainable Raw Materials Value Chains and Renewable Hydrogen, 4 Green Hydrogen pilot project companies exhibited at the event. They are: Daures Green Hydrogen Village, Hyphen Energy, Hydrogen de France, Ohlthaver & List Group together with Companie Maritime Belge CMB.TECH.

#YearOfSkills #EuropeDay2023 #33yearEUNam