EU Launches Namibia Youth Sounding Board: Empowering the Voice of the Next Generation

The EU-Namibia Youth Sounding Board (YSB) is composed of 20 to 25 young people (18 to-30 years old) coming from across Namibia and with a deep commitment to youth engagement and empowerment. The YSB will advise the EU Delegation on youth participation and empowerment in actions relevant to Namibia to ensure that youth dimension is well considered in all actions relevant to EU-Namibia cooperation activities. It will also be complementary and supportive to the third National Youth Policy in force since 2021.

The Delegation of the European Union (EU) is thrilled to announce the launch of the EU-Namibia Youth Sounding Board (YSB), a ground-breaking initiative that aims to create real, long-lasting change in how the EU engages with young people in its policy work and cooperation around the world. This youth-centric platform will provide a unique opportunity for young Namibians to voice to the EU their perspectives, ideas, and concerns on critical issues affecting their lives and communities.

The EU-Namibia YSB will advocate for youth-centered policies and initiatives, ensuring that the concerns and aspirations of the younger generation are integrated into EU’s development cooperation. Through the EU-Namibia Youth Sounding Board, the EU seeks to amplify the voices of young people and ensure that their opinions are heard and valued in decision-making processes.

In her opening remarks, EU Ambassador to Namibia, H.E. Sinikka Antila expressed enthusiasm for the historic launch of the YSB, noting that Namibia has become the 11th African country to establish this youth centric platform. She stated, "We believe that young people are the driving force behind positive change in any society. Their energy, creativity, and passion have the potential to shape a brighter future for Namibia. Through this platform, we aim to create an inclusive and participatory space for the youth to be heard, respected, and acted upon." The launch took place in the presence of EU Member States in Namibia (Finland, France, Germany, Portugal and Spain) who expressed their interest and commitment to support this new mechanism.

The EU-Namibia Youth Sounding Board has three pillars of action:

  1. Engage: Increase young people’s voices in EU policy and decision-making including programming at all levels through constructive dialogue.
  2. Connect: Foster opportunities for young people to network and exchange with their peers.
  3. Empower: The platform will empower young Namibians by providing them with a space to express their views on matters that directly impact their lives, such as education, employment, social justice, climate action, and sustainable development.

To build a stronger and more inclusive society, the EU recognizes the immense potential of Namibia's youth and acknowledges their role as catalysts for positive change. Together, we can build a more prosperous, sustainable, and equitable Namibia for generations to come.

About the European Union: The European Union is a political and economic union of 27 European countries. The EU promotes peace, stability, and prosperity while upholding common values of democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. Through various initiatives and partnerships, the EU supports positive development and cooperation with countries around the world.