Say YES!
This year. This place, at this time.
In their homes and in their communities.
We want Namibians to be optimistic.
To be receptive and say YES to taking action.
To bring to life the act in activism
To turn every day of these 16 days into an opportunity
To educate, To empower and To eradicate GBV in Namibia
You have heard no said before, and perhaps so many times that it has lost its power, so today join us in simply saying yes, I, We, alone and together affirm and commit to zero tolerance for GBV.

National Domestic Violence Helplines

  • Ministry of Health and Social Services Emergency number. : 0800 100 100
  • Police Gender Based Violence Protection Unit. : 10 111
  • Gender Based Violence Helpline. : 106
  • National Crisis Child Counselling Line. : +264 61 226 889
  • City Police.: 302 302