Global Gateway: Commissioner Urpilainen launches digital flagship programme to support Mozambique’s digital skills and employment

 “Girls, women and people with disabilities face more barriers to digital inclusion compared to their peers. VaMoz Digital! focuses on closing the digital gender gap and promoting greater inclusion and accessibility” - Commissioner Urpilainen.

This week Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen launched VaMoz Digital! – A Global Gateway flagship aimed at promoting digital skills, entrepreneurship and digital services in Mozambique. The programme was launched during the Commissioner’s 2-day visit to Mozambique alongside the ministers of Science, Technology and Higher Education, and of Transports and Communications

Speaking at the launch, Commissioner Urpilainen said: “What makes human beings truly unique is their instinct to get connected. The digital revolution has been bringing such connections at a high pace. But as every revolution, it needs to be carefully handled to liberate its full potential, and to benefit everyone fairly, which is why Global Gateway puts trusted digital infrastructure, governance, skills and businesses at its core. Today I am very pleased to launch VaMoz Digital! as it is a great example of how our partnership of equals, truly co-created with the Government of Mozambique, works for the people of Mozambique”.

 “Girls, women and people with disabilities face more barriers to digital inclusion compared to their peers. VaMoz Digital! focuses on closing the digital gender gap and promoting greater inclusion and accessibility.

The Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education, Daniel Nivagara, said: “The VaMoz Digital Programme, implemented under the Global Gateway Initiative, is testimony to the commitment of all to promoting sustainable and inclusive development in Mozambique through technology. The implementation of this initiative will contribute to the operationalization of our Information Society Strategic Plan and provide a favourable environment for inclusive digital transformation, expanding employment, innovation and entrepreneurship opportunities for our young people”.

For his part, the Minister of Transports and Communications, Mateus Magala, stated: “VaMoz Digital! complements other initiatives by the government and the Transport and Communications sector aimed at digitizing the country, such as the Mozambique Digital Transformation Project. The digital economy is a reality and we need to have a legal framework capable of encouraging growth in this area while guaranteeing income generation for the country's development. We appreciate the valuable contribution of the European Union, the International Telecommunications Organization and the Italian government for their support in making this and other development programmes in Mozambique a reality”.

 “VaMoz Digital! has two components; on the one hand it strengthens the enabling environment for digital transformation across all sectors, including policy and regulatory frameworks, and institutional capacity-building of public stakeholders. On the other,   it explores the potential for a digital economy in Mozambique and identifies opportunities for youth employment, innovation and entrepreneurship.

VaMoz Digital!” is financed by the European Union, EUR 10 million. The two components of the programme are implemented by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in coordination with Ministry of Transports and Communications (MTC) and by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) in coordination with Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education (MCTES). The main beneficiaries are public decision-makers and Mozambican Youth, with a focus on girls and young people with disability.

About the Global Gateway

Global Gateway is the EU's positive offer to reduce the worldwide investment disparity and boost smart, clean and secure connections in digital, energy and transport sectors, and to strengthen health, education and research systems.

The Global Gateway strategy embodies a Team Europe approach that brings together the European Union, EU Member States, and European development finance institutions. Together, we aim to mobilise up to €300 billion in public and private investments from 2021 to 2027, creating essential links rather than dependencies, and closing the global investment gap.

Digital is a Global Gateway priority sector.  Digital transformation is an important driver of sustainable development and offers great potential to magnify social and economic benefits across many sectors. However, the current rates of digitalization worldwide are very uneven, with more than 3 billion people not digitally connected, including youth and women. In line with the Sustainable Development Goals, digitalisation can foster better education, reduce inequalities, stimulate economic growth, research and innovation and support better governance. VaMoz Digital! will contribute to Mozambique’s inclusive growth focused on digital transformation by supporting a more conducive environment for inclusive digital transformation and by promoting inclusive opportunities for youth employment, innovation and digital entrepreneurship.