Joint press statement following the launching of the European Union and the Republic of Moldova High-Level Political and Security Dialogue


The first EU–Republic of Moldova High-Level Political and Security Dialogue was launched in Chisinau on 18 March 2022 by the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of the Republic of Moldova, Mr Nicu Popescu and the Deputy Secretary-General for Political Affairs / Political Director of the European External Action Service, Mr Enrique Mora.

The parties welcomed this new high-level dialogue format as a new step in EU-Republic of Moldova relations, reflecting the mutual commitment and interest to enhance cooperation in the field of foreign and security policy, in line with the Association Agreement. The decision to launch this dialogue was taken on 28 October 2021 at the last Association Council between the EU and the Republic of Moldova in Brussels.

Deputy Secretary-General Enrique Mora said: ‘The launch of the EU-Moldova High-Level Political and Security Dialogue demonstrates the growing quality and intensity of our partnership on several dimensions, notably on foreign and security policy issues. Moldova’s impressive efforts in managing the highest influx of refugees per capita among Ukraine’s neighbouring countries has to be commended and supported, as this comes in addition to other major challenges for Moldova’s resilience. This also testifies the wider regional implications of Russia’s unjustified aggression against Ukraine. The EU will continue to support Moldova in further strengthening its resilience and looks forward to enhancing cooperation in the field of security and defence.’

Deputy Prime Minister Nicu Popescu said: “The ongoing war in Ukraine is the greatest challenge to our region in decades. The first ever meeting of the Moldova-EU High-Level Political and Security dialogue is taking place in a very complicated environment. We are focusing the EU-Moldova cooperation both on the urgent issues such as managing the refugee influx, but also on steps aimed at strengthening our resilience. The Republic of Moldova was a constant supporter of advancing cooperation with EU in the security sphere, including CSDP, cyber security, countering hybrid threats and other areas.”

Both sides had a comprehensive exchange of views on the situation in the region. The EU welcomed that Moldovan authorities have strongly condemned the act of war by Russia against Ukraine and supported the UN General Assembly Resolution on aggression against Ukraine. The participants addressed the regional security challenges and its humanitarian and economic impact on the Republic of Moldova. The EU expressed full solidarity with the Republic of Moldova, and high appreciation for the way it managed the large refugee influx. The parties welcomed the immediate support of the EU and its Member States, with the EU reiterating its commitment to further speed up and scale up its political, financial and humanitarian support to Moldova.

Cooperation in the field of security was the main topic of discussion. The EU expressed appreciation for Moldova’s continued participation in the EU Training Mission to Mali and its active engagement in the Common Security and Defence Policy orientation courses and seminars in the framework of the Eastern Partnership. Concrete avenues for strengthening Moldova’s resilience were discussed, notably on cyber security, fighting disinformation and enhancing cooperation under the European Peace Facility as well as closer cooperation on countering hybrid threats.

The participants also discussed the state of play of the Transnistrian conflict settlement process.  The EU reiterated its unwavering support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Moldova within its internationally recognised borders with a special status for Transnistrian region. The parties reaffirmed commitment towards a comprehensive, peaceful and sustainable settlement of the Transnistrian conflict within the framework of the 5+2 format.