Joint Press Statement following the 6th EU-Moldova Consultations on Security and Defence

22 November 2022 – The sixth bilateral consultations on security and defence, in line with the EU-Moldova Association Agreement, took place in Chisinau. Strengthening the dialogue and cooperation between the Republic of Moldova and the European Union on security and defence issues, including Moldovan experts’ participation in EU crisis management missions and operations, as well as security challenges faced by the country, were the main topics on the agenda.

The consultations were led on the EU side by Director for Security and Defence Policy of the European External Action Service Mrs Joanneke Balfoort, and on the Moldovan side by State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration Mr Vladimir Cuc.

Mrs Joanneke Balfoort, Director of Security and Defence Policy Directorate, said:  “We welcome that despite the various overlapping crises you face, you maintain a strong commitment to reforms which are vital for the EU integration process and are equally important for strengthening Moldova’s overall resilience.

We welcome the adoption of a 40 million Euro assistance measure for the Moldovan Armed Forces in June, on top of the 7 million Euro measure adopted in 2021, and look forward to the implementation of both measures. We, therefore, intend to build on this solid foundation by proposing another substantial European Peace Facility assistance measure for 2023.”

On the Moldovan side, State Secretary Vladimir Cuc declared: “We work on implementing the recommendations of the European Commission. Russia’s war against Ukraine as well as granting of the EU candidate country status are widening EU-Moldova cooperation on security and defence. 

This meeting underlines the growing importance of our dialogue and has signalled a greater degree of openness in our interaction, including increased direct contacts between the institutions.

EU-MD 6th Consultations on Security & Defence

Both sides exchanged views on the security situation in the region. The aggravating energy crisis and its wider implications, the internal security and border management challenges as well as increasing hybrid risks were highlighted as the main concerns.

Practical cooperation in the field of security was the main topic of discussion and offered the opportunity to exchange views on the main developments, as well as to analyse further ways to improve cooperation on cyber security, strategic communication and countering disinformation, Moldova’s participation in the EU’s Common Security and Defence Policy missions and operations as well as supporting Moldova’s defence sector. 

The EU side congratulated Moldova on being granted EU candidate country status earlier this year. Both sides welcomed the decisive efforts of Moldova to align to EU standards, also in the security domain. EU expressed its full commitment to continue supporting Moldova.