The European Union will grant the Republic of Moldova another €250 million

The European Union will grant the Republic of Moldova another €250 million (almost 5 billion lei) to overcome the energy crisis, of which €100 million are grants, another €100 million will be provided in the form of loans, and €50 million represent budget support.

The European Union will grant the Republic of Moldova another €250 million (almost 5 billion lei) to overcome the energy crisis, of which €100 million are grants, another €100 million will be provided in the form of loans, and €50 million represent budget support.
The announcement was made in Chisinau by the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, after a meeting with President Maia Sandu.

“Moldova is not only our neighbour and our partner, but now also a candidate for membership of the European Union. It is part of our European family. And family must stick together in good times as well as difficult times”, mentioned in her speech Ursula vor der Leyen, the president of the European Commission.