High Level Dialogue between Mexico and the EU – stepping up cooperation on environment and climate action policies

Joint press release

At the 10th High Level Dialogue between Mexico and the European Union, senior officials from the two regions agreed to continue their cooperation, work together towards the much-needed green and energy transitions, and tackle the pressing environment and climate challenges.

The meeting took place ahead of the upcoming Summit of Leaders of the EU and the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), to be held on 17 and 18 July 2023 in Brussels, Belgium, and a few days after President Ursula von der Leyen and President Andrés Manuel López Obrador agreed in Mexico City to pursue policies that promote sustainable, resilient and inclusive economic growth and development that favour social justice on both sides of the Atlantic.

During the dialogue, both sides discussed joint priorities and challenges in climate change, the water management sector, and the prevention of biodiversity loss and deforestation. In line with the international commitments agreed at recent UN Convention meetings / Conferences of the Parties (UNFCCC COP 27, CBD COP 15, and CITES COP 19), they agreed to continue promoting a transition towards low carbon, circular and clean economies where nature is protected and restored.  Both sides reaffirm their unwavering commitment to the Paris Agreement and to scaled-up action in this decade, so as to reduce emissions to keep a limit of 1.5°C temperature rise within reach.

Participants discussed opportunities for closer cooperation on the conservation, restoration and sustainable use of biodiversity in line with the new Kunming – Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, including the fight against deforestation and forest degradation and the promotion of deforestation-free supply chains. They agreed on the need to cooperate to ensure a successful COP28 in Dubai, with a strong outcome on the mitigation ambition and reaffirmed the role of the Global Stocktake as a key milestone in enhancing ambitious climate action on adaptation and mitigation for the coming years. EU’s and Mexico’s climate change adaptation strategies as well as their NDCs were also discussed.

Furthermore, they also exchanged regarding policies and best practices to make their economies more circular and less carbon-intensive and polluting, including by accelerating the transition to a circular economy and cooperating towards an ambitious global agreement to tackle plastics pollution.

Both sides stand ready to mutually support each other in order to reach the objectives of their respective green agendas, including in the water sector. 

They expressed hope that the EU-CELAC Summit will strengthen the mutual partnership and give an additional impetus towards a just and green transition that leaves no one behind.