Regional Programme in support of Food and Nutritional Security in the Indian Ocean (SANOI)


The regional programme in Support of Food and Nutritional Security in the Indian Ocean (SANOI) is financed by the European Union and implemented in partnership with the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC).

EU contribution : 16 millions euros

Implementing period : 5 years

Objective : Reduce malnutrition and food insecurity in the Indian Ocean region (Mauritius, Comoros, Madagascar, Seychelles), particularly for children aged 0 to 5 and pregnant women.

  • SANOI - Food Sec Semences :

The main objective of the Food-Sec Semences project is to revive a regional sector for healthy seeds and plants, adapted to the agro-ecological conditions of the South West of the Indian Ocean.


As part of the SANOI programme, the main objective of the APTAE-OI project is to promote and disseminate a set of agro-ecological practices for a successful transition in the South West of the Indian Ocean.