Mauritius - Land-based coral culture for restoration, conservation and education

EU contribution : 999 326 euros (95% of the project)

Implementing period:  01/03/2024 – 28/02/2029

Implementing partners : Reef Conservation Mauritius – Partnership with Beachcomber Resorts & Hotels

Le Morne + other sites to be determined


  • To contribute to save corals from local extinction, Reef Conservation will vreate a land-based coral sanctuary (LBCS) for restoration, conservation, and education purposes. 
  • The action will comprise the setting up of an operational land-based coral sanctuary for the culture of rare/locally threatened coral species, which will be the first of this kind in Mauritius.
  • Coral restoration will be undertaken within earmarked conservation sites with the assistance of community members.
  • The land-based coral sanctuary facility, which will be partly financed by a private sector group, namely Beachcomber Resorts & Hotels, will also be used as a centre for awareness raising and education purposes.

Specific objectives and outputs

  • Survey the lagoons of Mauritius to identify coral biodiversity hotspots.
  • Establish Voluntary Marine Conservation Areas (VMCAs) to help protect and conserve coral biodiversity hotspots.
  • Set up a Land-Based Coral Sanctuary (LBCS) for propagation of rare coral species.
  • Establish a proper coral collection and monitoring plan for donor coral colonies.
  • Acclimatise corals prior to transplantation to earmarked restoration sites.
  • Undertake coral restoration actions at VMCA sites.
  • Raise awareness and empower participants through a Citizen Science approach.