Mauritius - Ecological forest restoration of Petite-Montagne


EU contribution: 202 495 euros (90% of the project)

Implementation period :  01/01/2022 – 31/12/2025

Implementing partner:  Friends of the Environment (Mauritian NGO)

Citadelle, Port Louis

Global objective

To reinstate a unique native dry-forest cover with site-specific native species on the northern flank of the Petite-Montagne hill.

Specific objectives

  • Plantation of 6 000 trees
  • Removal 82% of invasive species and increase in species richness
  • Maintenance of the restoration site (3 hectares) and monitoring of plantation
  • A Biodiversity and Environmental Education programme implemented to raise awareness and improve public support towards ecosystem restoration, biodiversity conservation and sustainable development  (40 events, 300 volunteers involved every year)

Main achievements to date

  • Plantation of 2727 trees planted of 35 different species
  • Removal of invasive species
  • Creation of fire-breaks and installation of fences
  • Monitoring and maintenance of the site
  • 1010 volunteers participating in education and/or restoration activities on the site.