RIMFIL - Promoting the development of sustainable agricultural and pastoral value chains


Structuring and promoting the development of sustainable and productive agricultural and pastoral sectors at family and community level, particularly for the most vulnerable populations, with a view to creating stable jobs that generate growth.


Main objective: Promote the development of sustainable agricultural, agri-food and pastoral value chains at family and community level.

Specific objectives: 

  • SO1: Sustainable family and community production is consumed, processed locally and marketed.
  • SO2: Techniques adapted to climate change are promoted.

Expected results:

  • Value chains: The agro-pastoral sectors are better structured and the organisational and technical skills of the actors in the agro-pastoral value chains are improved.
  • Economic infrastructure: Infrastructure and equipment for collecting, processing, packaging and promoting/selling agro-pastoral products are rehabilitated and/or created.
  • Financing: Access to financial services from recognised microfinance institutions and banks is improved for the various stakeholders in the agro-pastoral sectors.
  • Institutional support: Public policies to promote the development of value chains and the marketing of Mauritanian products are being developed, and the legal framework for trade is being improved.

Main activities: 

  • Improving the skills of stakeholders in the agro-pastoral sectors: Strengthening and structuring advisory support services for agricultural and pastoral producers and improving access to inputs.
  • Strengthening the organisation of agro-pastoral sectors: Strengthening farmers' organisations and their umbrella organisations in the provision of services to their members and in their ability to lobby the government.
  • Facilitating the development of economic projects by producers' associations: Rural organisations and small businesses are supported in their economic activities. The aim is to facilitate the acquisition of equipment, infrastructure or materials needed to develop economic projects at the level of producers' organisations, women's groups, associations, cooperatives, MSEs, etc. Private sector players (SMEs) are supported in their role as catalysts for the creation of value (economic, social, environmental) and jobs in the target regions.
  • Building public productive infrastructure: Building infrastructure and investing in goods of collective economic interest (processing, storage, collection, sale).
  • Promoting access to appropriate financial services: RIMFIL supports the introduction of local financial services in the areas targeted by the project. The capacities of financial institutions are strengthened in order to improve and adapt the services and products they offer to beneficiaries. SMEs active in the targeted value chains will be able to benefit from specific support to facilitate their access to suitable financial organisations at national and European level (specialised EU funds).
  • Contribute to the development of public policies that encourage the development of value chains: Institutional strengthening of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Livestock: policies and strategies, quality control of agri-food products, introduction of a "Made in Mauritania" label, improvement of public-private dialogue on policies and access to relevant information on value chains.
Regions: Assaba, Guidimakha, Hodh el Chargui, et Hodh el Gharbi
18 000 000 €
Agriculture & Food Security
Sustainable agriculture, livestock farming, food security, nutrition, resilience
Contact Details

Daniel Binart (Enabel)

Project manager


Implemented by: Enabel (Belgian Development Agency)
11th European Development Fund (EDF)