Team Europe Field Trip in Malawi at the occasion of World Food Day


Last week, the Ambassadors of EU, Germany, Ireland and the Representative of Flanders in Southern Africa, together as Team Europe, conducted a joint field mission to monitor a series of agriculture and nutrition projects  in the south of Malawi.

The 3-day tour came at a time when dietary diversification and food systems transformation is high on the political agenda of Malawi.

The Team Europe visit offered the opportunity to showcase how EU and its Member Statesprogrammes align to the countrys priorities, and how the joint substantial EU investments are contributing to diversified agriculture production and consumption.

Team Europe was accompanied for part of their visits by Minister of Agriculture, Lobin Lowe, Minister of Forestry and Natural Resources, Nancy Tembo, and Deputy Minister of Health Chrissie Kanyasho.

EU Ambassador, Rune Skinnebach, considered that  the mission created an opportunity for ambassadors to witness the importance of preserving and restoring the natural capital of Malawi. No human and economic development can happen without sustainable use of water, forests and land », he said.

Ongoing Team Europe support to agriculture and food security in Malawi totals around 440 million EUR, roughly about 415 billion Malawi Kwacha. EU and its Member States are committed to continue supporting transformation of food systems in Malawi, in partnership with the Government.