A new step in the EU’s future-proof partnership with Malawi

EU sets out joint priority areas for cooperation with Malawi

On Wednesday March 2, 2022, EU and the Malawi Government jointly launched the EU Multi-Annual Indicative Programme (MIP) for Malawi for 2021-2027 in which the EU sets out the joint priority areas for cooperation with the Republic of Malawi.

Ealier this year, the European Union adopted its Multi-annual Indicative Programme for Malawi for 2021-2027. With this strategic document, the EU commits to provide Euro 352 Million (approximately 352 Billion Malawi Kwacha) in support for the next three years. The programme has been developed in close consultation with Malawi Government,  Civil Society Organisations, including women and youth organisations, local authorities, representatives from the private sector, the United Nations and other partners, and of course EU Member States. 

The focus of the Multi-annual Indicative Programme (MIP) for Malawi is aligned with  Malawi’s national development plan, Malawi 2063. For the period 2021-24 the EU will seek to reinforce the bilateral cooperation in three main priority areas in particular:

  • Priority area 1: Green and resilient economic transformation
  • Supporting in particular agrifood systems in the agriculture and fisheries sectors
  • Enhancing environmental sustainability
  • Developing affordable and reliable renewable energy
  • Priority area 2: Democratic and economic governance
  • Advancing democracy, human rights and the rule of law
  • Enhancing economic governance along the public finance management cycle
  •  Improving the investment climate and business environment
  • Priority area 3: Human development and social inclusion
  • Advancing quality education and skills
  • Strengthening social protection systems

In addition, climate action, in line with the European Green Deal, gender equality and digital development are crosscutting priorities of crucial importance for the realization of the objectives of this MIP . The financial allocation for 2025-2027 will be determined following a review in 2024.

On the occasion of this approval of funding, Ambassador Rune SKINNEBACH said: “The European Union has a long standing partnership with Malawi. Today, we are marking a new step in our cooperation, and by committing ourselves to this long-term support we do not only reaffirm the EU’s role as a reliable partner for Malawi for the future, we also demonstrate that the EU-Malawi relations have developed from a donor-beneficiary relationship to a more mature and equal partnership characterized by shared responsibilities, interests and solutions.”

The agreed priorities will be implemented in partnership with the European Union Member States in a Team Europe approach. They are in line with UN’s 2030 Agenda, the Paris Agreement and the EU’s Global Gateway Strategy.


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