The EU welcomes the ongoing electoral reform and encourages the legislators to draft and adopt amendments to the relevant laws in an inclusive manner

The EU Election Follow-up Mission (EFM), deployed to Kosovo since 14 November 2022 presented today its preliminary findings on the progress in the implementation of the EU’s Election Observation Mission’s recommendations achieved thus far.

“We welcome the progress in the area of campaign financing, and we are encouraged by the Central Election Commission finalizing the review of its regulations. The EU further invites legislators to address the Election Observation Mission’s recommendations with a broad consensus and political will,” said Chief of the EU EFM, Lukas Mandl.

“I encourage the Kosovo Assembly’s Ad Hoc Committee on Electoral Reform to continue engaging with all stakeholders transparently and inclusively to build a greater level of public confidence in the electoral process,” he added.

The EU in Kosovo continuously monitors the implementation of the EU’s Election Observation Mission’s recommendations.

“The work on improving the electoral process has started and we want to see it lead to the completion of the electoral reform, which is an important part of Kosovo’s European integration process,” said the EU Ambassador in Kosovo, Tomas Szunyog.

The 2021 EU Election Observation Mission offered 23 recommendations, including six priority ones, focusing, among other issues, on the registration for the Out of Kosovo voters, party and campaign financing, media and online campaigning, as well as clarification of provisions on electoral dispute resolution.

“Many of the 2021 recommendations are similar to those offered by previous EU missions, and we will continue contributing to democratic election processes in Kosovo by helping to improve the electoral framework,” said Mandl.

The EU EFM, headed by Lukas Mandl, a Member of the European Parliament and former Chief Observer for the EU Election Observation Mission for 2021 municipal elections, was deployed to Kosovo on 14 November. The main objectives of this mission are to assess the degree to which the EU recommendations for improving the election framework have been implemented, as well as to discuss ways to achieve further progress on electoral reform. The Mission will stay in Kosovo until 8 December.

The EFM met with representatives of the Assembly’s Ad Hoc Committee on Electoral Reform, the Central Election Commission, the Election Complaint and Appeal Panel, the Independent Media Commission, political parties, civil society organisations, and the international community. A comprehensive final report of the EU Election Follow-up Mission will be published in the next weeks.


The full archive of EU EOM reports and recommendations can be found at, for the EU EOM Kosovo 2021 report please see: