EU-German funded project helps develop a joint waste management system in Pristina region

Under the auspices of the EU-German funded project that works to develop a joint waste management system for the Pristina region, the mayors of Fushë Kosova/Kosovo Polje, Gllogoc/Glogovac, Gračanica/Graçanicë, Obiliq/Obilić, Podujeva/Podujevo, and Prishtinë/Priština, signed today a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that will launch their cooperation in this regard.

In line with the relevant EU directives and Kosovo laws, municipalities will next work to develop an Inter-municipal Integrated Waste Management Plan (IIWMP) and an Inter-Municipal Cooperation Agreement (IMCA) for joint work in the waste management sector. The implementation of Inter-municipal Integrated Waste Management Plan will be the next step in the establishment of integrated waste management system, which started with the current EU-German funded project for construction, expansion and rehabilitation of landfills and transfer stations for solid waste in the region, worth EUR 35 Million.  

“The implementation of the Kosovo Integrated Waste Management Strategy for the 2021-2030 period is a priority for the Ministry, and municipalities are our local partners in this endeavour,” said Linda Çavdarbasha, Deputy Minister of Environment, Spatial Planning and Infrastructure.

“Through an inter-municipal approach, we aim to address the needs of the municipalities for support in creating an integrated waste management system in line with our targets, the national legislation, and European standards.”

The modern integrated waste management system should focus on waste reduction, recycling and reuse.

“The EU in Kosovo will continue to support the development of the integrated waste management system, which will help protect the environment and make a circular economy a reality in Kosovo. The development of this system will also contribute to the implementation of the Green Agenda for the Western Balkans in Kosovo,” said Alessandro Bianciardi, Deputy Head of Cooperation at the EU in Kosovo.

In order to support the related reforms in the waste management sector, the EU together with the German Government finances projects implemented by GIZ for EUR 19 Million for development of the proper waste management policy and legislation, inter-municipal integrated waste management planning and cooperation agreements, capacity building on central and local level, introduction of circular economy and implementation of priority investment projects.   

“This MoU will set the grounds for the development of the circular economy as a model of production and consumption,” said Stefan Mager, GIZ Project Manager.

“We and our partners are committed to achieving lasting success in terms of waste management policy, systems, services and technology.”

Since 2015, the EU invests over EUR 16 Million in the waste management sector and has allocated another EUR 35 Million for improvement of the waste management and circular economy in Kosovo.