International Women's Day: Education not Mutilation

On 8 March, the European Union Ambassador to Kenya, H.E. Henriette Geiger, joined by Governor, H.E. Wisley Kipyegon Rotich and Deputy Governor, Prof. Grace Cheserek as well as Ms Sadia Hussein, founder of the Brighter Society Initiative and key county leaders, rallied in Iten, Elgeyo Marakwet County, under the banner "Education Not Mutilation.

The event at the Iten Sports Stadium marks a significant stride towards the eradication of Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Kenya, with a special focus on Elgeyo Marakwet County, a region that has a notably higher prevalence of FGM. Embracing this year's International Women’s Day global theme of "Inspire Inclusion", the event focused on the transformative power of education and culture over harmful practices.

H.E. Henriette Geiger emphasized the importance of inclusivity and the power of education in the fight against FGM, stating, "When we inspire others to understand and value women’s inclusion, we make a better world. Education is a beacon of hope. It illuminates the dangers of FGM, showcasing that this practice has no health benefits, only harm. Our presence in Iten today underlines our unwavering commitment to eradicating FGM and celebrating the rich cultural heritage of Elgeyo Marakwet while championing the rights and health of women and girls."

European Union Ambassador to Kenya, H.E. Henriette Geiger, and Sadia Hussein, founder of the Brighter Society Initiative

Speaking at the event was Sadia Hussein, the founder of the Brighter Society Initiative, who has become a beacon of change in the community. Sadia shared, “As an FGM survivor myself, I do not wish any girl to go through what I experienced. Girls deserve an education, not mutilation.”

Elgeyo Marakwet governor kicks the ball to signify kicking FGM out of Elgeyo Marakwet

Elgeyo Marakwet governor kicks the ball to signify kicking FGM out of Elgeyo Marakwet

The event featured cultural performances, sports activities, and testimonials from FGM survivors and champions, offering a platform to showcase Elgeyo Marakwet's commitment to fostering an inclusive society free from violence against women and girls. The EU's support for Kenya's efforts to end FGM by 2026 was reiterated, with a special tribute paid to the late Corporal Mushote Boma, who made the ultimate sacrifice while protecting girls from undergoing FGM.

Ambassador Geiger added, "Our collective action today, especially as we approach the Easter holidays, is a powerful statement against the 'cutting season.' We must use this time not to regress but to empower and uplift girls and women to achieve true equality in society. Let's remember the sacrifices made by individuals like Corporal Mushote Boma and let that inspire us to work even harder to kick FGM out of Elgeyo Marakwet and out of Kenya."

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