Strengthening the agriculture and agri-food value chain and improving trade policy (SAAVI)


This action seeks to enhance the competitiveness of agriculture and related activities and improve trade policy in Iraq.

This action seeks to enhance the competitiveness of agriculture and related activities and improve trade policy in Iraq. It focuses on the development and implementation of sector strategies for the agriculture and agri-food value chain in Iraq and its potential to supply the domestic market, as well as defining more market-oriented policies to improve predictability and efficiency in the business environment.  The action also implements activities supporting trade policy improvements and progress towards WTO accession.


The overall objective is to contribute to inclusive economic growth and job creation, particularly for youthThe specific objective is to support enhanced trade competitiveness in Iraq’s agribusiness value chain, while improving trade policy

The project has four interlinked expected results:


  1. MSME competitiveness and sustainability strategies are designed for high-potential products targeting domestic markets
  2. Productive and commercial value chain alliances and capacities of micro, small, and medium enterprises to compete effectively enhanced
  3. Increased capacities of the enabling business environment to better support value chain competitiveness (with a particular emphasis on the improvement of knowledge and skills for employment among youth)
  4. Iraq’s trade policy is improved for enhanced performance and value chain competitiveness

EU Contribution

EUR 22.5 million

Start – end

2020 - 2025


All governorates


Micro, small, and medium enterprises

Agriculture and agri-food workers

Ministry of Trade

Implementing partner

International Trade Center

Funding Instrument

Development and Cooperation Instrument

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