Integrated Support to Job Creation in Iraq through Agri-Business Value Chain Development and Financial Inclusion


This action contributes to sustainable job creation through support to private sector and human capital development (with a focus on the agriculture sector) through delivering small grants to enterprises (including agricultural ventures) in targeted communities while also supporting commercial banking capacity to deliver financial services to Small and Medium Enterprises (SME).

This action contributes to sustainable job creation through support to private sector and human capital development (with a focus on the agriculture sector) through delivering small grants to enterprises (including agricultural ventures) in targeted communities while also supporting commercial banking capacity to deliver financial services to Small and Medium Enterprises (SME). It is an expansion of an existing IOM programme, the Enterprise Development Fund. 


The overall objective of the action is to promote sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Iraq, through increasing employment and strengthening value chains in the agricultural sector, in support of the Government of Iraq (GoI) over a 48 month period.  It has two specific objectives:


  1. Create jobs through targeted EDF grants and support to the Agri-businesses and agriculture value chain businesses.


  1. The Government of Iraq has improved capacity to facilitate access to finance for SMEs 

EU Contribution

EUR 12 million

Start – end

2019 - 2023




Rural communities and households, specifically job seekers in the agriculture value chain

Implementing partner

International Organisation for Migration

Funding Instrument

Development and Cooperation Instrument

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