‘Piknik Hijau Hijau’ Festival celebrates the EU and Indonesia Commitment to a Greener and More Equal Future


‘Piknik Hijau Hijau’ Festival celebrates the European Union and Indonesia Commitment to a Greener and More Equal Future


Today the Delegation of the European Union (EU) to Indonesia together with Ambassadors of 10 EU Member States organised a ‘Green Picnic’ or ‘Piknik Hijau Hijau’ as a core part of the EU Green Diplomacy Weeks 2023. This family-friendly festival, themed ‘Empowering the Future: Cleaner Energy, More Equal Opportunities’ or ‘Lebih Hijau Lebih Setara’, aims to highlight the collaborative efforts between the EU, its Member States and Indonesia in transitioning to a more sustainable inclusive future powered by cleaner energy.

Attracting more than 3,000 visitors, Piknik Hijau Hijau was an invitation to the community to engage, learn and act for the environment. Visitors were immersed in a range of interactive workshops, talks, film and music that underline the significance of the environment in sustaining our lives and our shared responsibility to protect our environment.

EU Ambassadors to Indonesia and to ASEAN, expressed the EU’s commitment to work hand in hand with the Government of Indonesia. “The EU is very supportive of Indonesia’s endeavour for a greener and cleaner future. Last year, we announced our support to Indonesia's energy transition programme through the Just Energy Transition Partnership (JETP). But, for it to be truly just, the transition demands collective action, across communities, and across generations. Piknik Hijau Hijau shows our unwavering commitment to this journey together.” Further reinforcing this commitment, the European Investment Bank (EIB) is announcing financial and technical support for sustainable transport and energy transition, to support the climate goals set by the Government of Indonesia.

The EU Ambassadors marked their commitment to a greener future by taking the mass rapid transport (MRT) train to the venue. This journey culminated in a unique bike cycling with the MRT Jakarta Director of Construction, Weni Maukina, as a symbol of collective commitment towards energy transition and public transport as a crucial part of sustainable cities.

As a central part of Piknik Hijau Hijau, ten EU countries showcased their green initiatives and innovations, including sustainable agriculture, waste management, clean energy projects and scholarship opportunities in sustainability topics. Alongside were contributions from local partners, such as Kehati, Hutan Itu Indonesia and the Society of Renewable Energy. Waste4Change ensured that the event was waste-neutral and no single-use plastics was allowed throughout the event.

From children discovering nature with Sekolah Murid Merdeka to adults finding solace through mindfulness session with Hutan Itu Indonesia and Setali, there were something for everyone at Piknik Hijau Hijau. Booths with sustainable products, Seme7ta film screening and book-sharing session with Bbbbookclub further enriched the experience.

“Environmental action is everyone’s business. This is why, Piknik Hijau Hijau is designed for families, youth and children, to be as accessible as possible and create ingrained behaviour about the importance of working together for the people, planet and prosperity. Together, as the EU and Indonesia, we plant the seeds of sustainability – each one a promise to our planet and the generations to come,” said the EU First Counsellor for the Environment Henriette Faergemann.

Prior to Piknik Hijau Hijau, the EU supported ‘I-ACT youth climate action workshop’ hosted by the Embassy of Italy, IRENA and Youth4Energy Southeast Asia; as well as community cleanups with World Clean Up Day (WCD) as part of a series of green initiatives, outreach and dialogues. In October 2023, the EU Delegation will be organising the Green Conference and Energy Transition Roadshows across Indonesia.

Piknik Hijau Hijau

Piknik Hijau Hijau