Happy National Day - Happy 17th of June!




The Delegation of the European Union wishes all Icelanders a very happy national day and congratulates Icelanders also on the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the Republic.

Iceland is among the closest partners and allies of the European Union. Not only have we, for thirty years, formed together the largest and the most valuable market in the world, the European Economic Area, which increases free trade and creates more opportunities for our people and businesses - but we also stand together on certain fundamental values. We share a certain vision concerning human rights, democracy, gender equality, the rule of law, multilateralism, international law, environmental protection and so much more.

We are proud of the leading role that Iceland has played in the fight for greater gender equality, LGBTQI+rights, as well in the international discussion on environmental issues and the development of green energy. Icelanders have shown and proven that small countries can truly have an impact, and the European Union is grateful for the close cooperation that the Union has with the Icelandic people.

The year 2024 is a big anniversary year. This year we celebrate the 30th anniversary of our hugely important EEA cooperation. Icelanders are also celebrating the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Republic, and 150 years since Iceland first celebrated a national holiday.

Congratulations, dear Icelanders.
Happy June 17th!