Students in Honduras simulate European elections

Estudiantes de la carrera de Relaciones Internacionales de la Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana conocieron sobre el proceso de las elecciones del Parlamento Europeo.

Students from the International Relations course at the Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana(UNITEC) learned about the European Parliament election process.

As part of the preparation, the students received a talk about the European Parliament election process, a great democratic exercise. They culminated their learning by conducting a mock election. The students were divided into groups representing political parties from Spain, France and Germany. At stands exposed to the public and students from the university, they presented the proposals with which they felt identified, with the aim of encouraging them to cast a fictitious vote at the table.

The ambassadors of the European Union, Spain, Germany and France visited the exhibitions.

This activity not only gave the students a deeper understanding of the European electoral process, but also fostered interest in electoral processes and the functioning of EU institutions, encouraging for a greater understanding of democracy and civic participation.